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Starlink 32 chanel tx/rx at NAB

Jeremy Hawkins

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Been a while since I posted and we weren't sure what of the new equipment we would have ready by NAB this year, but I do have a representative in Vegas for the convention if anyone is interested in seeing what we have.


Main things of interest are the 32 channel transmitter, FCC approved, with adjustable power settings up to one full Watt, paired with our 7" 32 channel LCD receiver.


The receiver can be seen here:



and the transmitter here:



The specs on the receiver, as well as the price, may vary slightly from what is seen on the website, as there was last minute changes with the manufacturing made, but the website specs will be pretty close. The transmitter is exactly as it says on the website as we have had that one done for quite a while.


Also there is our new digital equipment that is far and away some of the most advanced and powerful on the market outside military applications. We were able to get a better deal at the end of the day on manufacturing costs, so the prices will actually be significantly lower than the ones on the website. The digital equipment can be found here:




Sorry we don't have a booth, but it was really close scheduling as to if we were going to have the equipment in time for the show. Contact me at the number below or email me and I will set up a demo with my representative. I would REALLY appreciate it if those interested could also do me the favor of reporting back to this forum an honest evaluation of what they have seen.


Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you!


Jeremy Hawkins


AV Wireless Technologies




P.S: As a completely unrelated side-note, and I know this is in the wrong area, but it will be quick, AV Wireless is trying to get the word out on my new invention that helps find missing persons. It is called the osteometric database and it is going to be a non-profit section of our company. In the field of film and television, one ends up with a wide area of contacts in all other fields. If you know someone who would be interested in this project, or that could help in any way, forward them the link. If nothing else, it is a fascinating read.


Link is here:



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