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Difference between Kodak 35mm

Paul Bartok

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Hi I just joined this forum and really loving the knowledge this community has

my first question is what is the real difference's between Kodak 52 stock

I hear that 5219 is industry standard I think because of its very low grain and I know its replaced the 18.


So what are the real difference between the rest like 07,13,01,30 and 85 I know that some are for day or tungsten but what can you expect from each, also was the 79 and 29 discontinued and were they taken over by a new one.


This info would be much appreciated :)

Edited by Paul Bartok
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Kodak use those four-digit numbers to specific film products that are each different.


The 5 prefix indicates a 35mm or 65mm film on acetate base, and the 2 indicates a camera film. Replacing the 52 prefix with 72 would indicate the same film in 8mm or 16mm, replacing it with 22 would indicate the same film in 35mm or 65mm with an ESTAR base, and 32 ESTAR in 8 or 16mm. x3xx numbers indicate lab and print films.


Accordingly '219 refers to VISION3 500T, which indeed replaced '218 (VISION2 500T). To say they have "very low grain" is a bit of an exaggeration though, unless you're comparing them to VISION 800T '289.


Other stocks have different numbers because they are different stocks. They have different sensitivities and colour balances, although visually most of the VISION family films are designed to look the same so as they can be easily cut together. As a basic rule though you can expect that as sensitivity rises so does "graininess", while dynamic range and sharpness would be expected to fall.


Kodak's Motion Picture Catalogue will explain each film in more detail, as will the product literature.

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5219 is currently the best 500T, there are a couple others still around like the "newer" 5230 (vision2 based iirc), which is less expensive and made for TV shooters (a Kodak rep called me and explained the difference), the rep also said you'll see the difference on the big screen with 5219.


For any HD/BluRay content in Super16, you'd pic 7219 over 7230 that means, and 5219 over 5230 for cinema or stills photography.

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