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Free VFX, Sound FX, Music and Animation?

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I've been working on a teaser for "The Black Sky", a sci/fi script I wrote and shot a bunch of footage for a while ago along with some Lightwave animation tests, stills, concept storyboard art and sculpture along with proof of concept stuff. There is NO budget for the teaser but I have the footage and I had one piece of music I set to the animation. I've been editing over the last week or so and looking for anything free I could use off the web but oddly enough had a little trouble finding free music and sound FX and Finding free VFX, and animation were damn near impossible. I DID find which had a decent amount of material and are completely free (not ROYALTY FREE, but ACTUALLY FREE to the public):






and ran though one HELL of a lot of bull5hit sites that claimed free but were...well, bull5shit so I got to thinking, with so many low budget and no budget film makers on this forum who own or borrow a digital video camera, make reflectors out of tin foil taped to a sheet of Styrofoam (or just spend the extra few bucks to get one with the aluminum backing) and save up to buy some tapes or disc and some used Halogen work lights and extension cords, WHY can't we start a "Free Resources" Thread or category where everyone can catalog links with free and open source film making resources LIKE sound FX, editing software, match moving software, Animation Software, music, pre-build animation objects, collor correction software, etc. and for that matter, lets say you have an old SD camera or even a VHS camera that still works beautifully but is covered in dust from neglect, if you're so inclined, post it for free with pickup or free plus whatever it costs to ship. I'll start off with what I know is available off the top of my head:


www.Blender.org (High learning curve BUT was designed as game building software so once you master it, you can even create games in addition to creating incredible graphics and animation AND it can now do it in 3D)


(Gimp is an image manipulation software similar to Photoshop but FREE)


http://softadvice.informer.com/Matchmover_Software_Free_Download.html (I don't know anything about this but there are tutorials on Youtube:




Please add whatever you can and let's help by doin' what we can!


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I just came across this thread. I know it's a wee bit old, but I thought I'd mention if anyone is looking for very affordable royalty-free original sound effects packs, then perhaps check out http://rocksuresoundz.com .There are a good number of packs there, each with between 80-200 sfx in them, and an audio preview button that gives you a chance to audition a one-and-a- half minute sample of what's in each pack.

Edited by Tony Koretz
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