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Posts posted by bwff

  1. Hey guys,


    what kind of results would I have to expect if I developed a b/w negative not in a regular

    D96 b/w developer but in a b/w print developer? What difference would there be in

    gradation/contrast, grain, base fog.. ? Just interested...





    I have a sample posted at YouTube:



    7222 16mm b&w neg processed in D97 Kodak hi-con developer, FramebyFrame transferred at 24fps.

    Processing and video transfer done at Black & White Film Factory


  2. 16mm Optical Sound Negative or Positive is available. McClear Digital in Toronto (416.977.9740) can transfer your original sound to either negative or positive 16mm optical sound. Black & White Film Factory (Toronto) can make 16mm Final Print (b&w neg or reversal or color reversal) with negative or positive sound. The sound quality is the same in any case, however it is not hi-fi (it is around 20Hz-14KHz ) and it could be done as Mono only. For sure less quality then 35mm sound (hi-fi, Stereo, Dolby SR), but this is the only way to get an optical sound in 16mm format these days.

  3. Any color negative camera original printed to a black & white print stock will produce high grain and low contrast image (like washed out) and it does not look good at all. You will get much better results if you push 1 stop (using 7222), force process (push 1 stop) and b&w print normally. The other option is to use 400ISO Ilford b&w camera original stock.

  4. In regards to:

    "I had a discussion on another thread yeaterday with regards to my route for shooting colour reversal and finishing on 16mm print, but I know this restricts my sound quality"

    You can have your 16mm color reversal original printed to 16mm color reversal stock (7399) as Release Print WITH SOUND (positive optical sound) with the same quality as the print from a negative optical sound. For 16mm positive optical sound call McClear Digital (Toronto) at 416.977.9740. For 16mm processing and printing Color Reversal call Black & White Film Factory (Toronto) at 416.763.0750 or go to www.blackandwhitefilmfactory.com

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