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Shobhit Dixit

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Posts posted by Shobhit Dixit

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I am making a documentary about Indians (from India) living in the United states, the theme of the documentary being that there is no need to come to the US and whatever u get here, you can get back home and much more.


    Secondly, as far as catching the next train is concerned, I believe the character mentions it right at the outset that if we miss it, we might need to ask the person for a favor (and that we might not get the car at all.)


    And why do we need the car? We need the car because we are doing a cross country road trip from NY to California, we are under 25 thus renting a car is a VERY EXPENSIVE OPTION, and this car we got for free.


    I'm sorry I didnt mention these pointers before. Its my first attempt to make a film and on the forum. I'll take better care next time.


    Thirdly, the point of posting the piece here was to get some feedback on the editing, sound and camerawork of the piece. I got some pointers already, and thanks a lot for them :) Any feedback means a lot!!!!

  2. Still Havent finished making the film but this is a small part of it. I had a pretty rubbish camera when I shot this. I have no experience in editing sound mixing or anything of the sort. Let me know where I can improve. Some tips or pointers will be encouraged.



    Obviously the quality of the image is somewhat decresed!


    Any feedback is much appreciated :)



  3. Hi,

    Thank you all the kind words. I have been involved in making 10-15 video but I have never used an editing software...i just used to rewind the tape at the right moment and delete any unnecessary shots. I also have been involved in making sure the actors reherse really well before I shoot so that saved all those costs.


    90minutes wont be a problem (specially with credits etc). the film will have lots and lots of dialogue. I have a crew of 10 people so far but it needs to be shot upto 25. I can increase the budget over the course of time as I'll be earning on the run because of my job.

  4. After going through this forum as much as I can, and actually seeing how wonderful people are in supporting each other, I decided to finally get my thoughts through. Please take sometime to read this post as I am in need of some good advice from all you talented plus experienced folks out there.


    1) I have a budget of around 10,000 Max!! And that is pushing it but over the course of months I can gather that much funds. Here is the scenario


    --> I need to buy a camera for a 60-80 minute film which deals about gangsters fighting against political system and themselves to survive and show that they are strong. Film will be shot TOTALLY indoors with freaky color look (somewhat like the matrix in some way, and I am talking about the colors). Ofcourse I dont think I can make that good an effect but basically my point being that I want a look that resembles graphic colors on screen. I have a budget of 3000-4000 dollars for the camera. I have looked around for camera's and for that budget there are some famous camera's out there :D. But I wanted someone to suggest a camera for this particular kind of look I'm looking for.


    --> Next, any suggestion on where to buy one? Ebay, one of those online stores, etc? I live in NY city so if anyone has a suggestion of a particular store in NY where I can hunt for one would be great.


    --> Editing software. I have Adobe Premiere Pro and have experience with photoshop. For anyone who has experience with these software tell me if they are good for editing the film?


    --> Locations. Any suggestions how to get a corporate office sort of look in the film? Either via any cinematography skill or any social engineering ideas to get a good location.


    --> Music. Anyone prepared to work for free for this project? Or some money to give in time to get the right kind of music. I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on that.


    Sorry for being a little blunt and a total rookie but I am reading as much as I can to gather info as to how I can begin the process...thank you for spending ttime reading this post. Any suggestion and advise will be invaluable to my cause :)

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