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Michael Struthers

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Posts posted by Michael Struthers

  1. Hey guys


    Just saw this Asia Argento flick at SF Indie Fest. We'll leave the content aside for a moment...but I know it was on video. Anyone have any insight/connections as to what it was shot on?


    Indoors/closeups looked pretty damn good. Outdoors not so hot....it looks like it might have been Varicam or perhaps a step down...anyone know?


    Michael Struthers

  2. I saw Primer at a theatre in SF, that 7K figure is just marketing/publicity for the movie.


    First of all, you've got the DP saying he shot in mostly available light. That's going to give you some grain, no doubt about it.


    There is lots of grain, so much on some shots it becomes a slightly surreal reality -which works for this movie. For a drama, it might not work.


    Anyway, it seemed to me he (director) "made" a film out of 1/2 a narrative and a lot of other footage tied together with voiceover - maybe that's why it took him 2 years to edit.


    Anyway, lots of grain throughout, but enough "wtf is going on?" to keep you interested, and now the guy is getting every script in Hollywood thrown at him. So there you go. :rolleyes:

  3. LIT - the bottom line, did you like it or not? I liked it.


    Was the best screenplay of the year? Most of the screenwriters in Hollywood nearly gagged on that one.


    Let's face it, Sophia is not the second coming, but she's not untalented. If nothing else, she knows when to let industry pro's do their thing.


    Frankly, it felt like a really well done Sundance Entry. And what's wrong that?

  4. C'mon guys, this is why DP's drive directors nuts *L*... the Russian action sequence that starts on foot and goes to car is flat out incredible. The story is satisfying and the protagonist wins and yet does not have a "happy-happy book" ending. Really, a very impressive sequel. Of course, it has a great writer behind it, so that's the saving grace.


    The first ten minutes I thought" uh oh, handheld everything?" but really, it didn't bother me after the first act.

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