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Timothy David Orme

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Everything posted by Timothy David Orme

  1. That's great to hear. I didn't know they could convert the viewfinder also. Does anyone know if Paul at VP does that? Also, anyone have any information on the mattebox issue? If not, are you all shooting on a Cp-16R without a mattebox? If so, how is that working?
  2. Timothy David Orme


    Hi all-- I have a CP-16R that I'm desperately trying to get ready for a short film I'd like to shoot within the next year. First, I'm looking to convert it to S16. I was wondering if anyone has experience with a CP-16R (or another s16 converted camera) that could tell me what to expect and plan (/test) for with the viewfinder. Is it very difficult to plan for the area that is not covered? Also, I need get this camera set up with a mattebox. The 16mm camera book says to get an Arri baseplate and mattebox, but I'm not sure what would be the best setup. I'm sure I won't find any matteboxes from the manufacturer, so I was curious if anyone had any ideas as to how I could manage my own. As always, I appreciate the help. --Tim
  3. So, it sounds like the BL4 is a camera I'd be very happy with, but it also sounds like what I'm looking for might require more from a camera. Saying that, I think the Evolution would be a much better deal. More expensive but definitely something that's going to provide me with everything I need...wait, how much do the evolutions weigh?
  4. Hi All-- I just purchased a Beaulieu 2008 and a Beaulieu 4008ZMII for the next short I'll be shooting later this fall. Both cameras run smooth, beautiful images. However, they're both too loud to record sync sound, and that's something I definitely need to do for this film. My question is, does anyone know how to build a good blimp for these, or know somewhere I might look for pointers? Any links to previous posts on this topic? Any pictures? Thanks for any help you can give me. --Tim
  5. So, I'm looking at getting an Arri BL-4, but I'm trying to make sure it's really the camera I want. I know it's heavy, and that's fine. I know they don't make it anymore, and that's fine. What I don't know, is how many dbs it runs at. Is the BLS that much better for the money? Any suggestions? ( I know, broad questions)
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