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Justin Aguirre

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Status Updates posted by Justin Aguirre

  1. Taylor Swift, the windsurfer, and I came for some ice cream.

  2. I have a windsurfer and Taylor Swift sitting at my table enjoying wine with me.

  3. I can't believe it took me four stores to find a Canon 226 black ink cartridge...

  4. Yesterday while shooting we ran into a naked bicycle rally and spotted two topless sunbathers on our buildings roof.. I wonder what else Downtown LA will show us today...

  5. And it wouldn't be my last night without me seeing a druggie pick his acne in the bathroom mirror.. Thank you Hollywood & Highland.

  6. Happy Oscar Sunday everyone!

  7. Bacon wrapped hotdog with everything... Heck yes.

  8. Hey guys, so as most of you know we are wrapping up post production on It's Over? - A Zombie Film a fun little short I DP'ed and produced along with Alicia Rocha and Kachain Thongmanee. Since post is almost finished we are about to enter the fun world of PR, buzz, and festivals! So it would do not only humble myself but the entire cast and crew if you would kindly like our page! :)

  9. With a week till the show I can officially say it's Hell Week. So freaking tired..

  10. I'm always the most productive at 3am.

  11. Got my schedule for next week and for the first time in 4 years I'll be off during the Oscars. So the question now is who's throwing a viewing party??

  12. Ah Friday night in Hollywood. Let out your freaks, weirdos, and peeps with low morals and self esteem..

  13. Feature script is progressing.

  14. What does everyone think of the Walking Dead episodes in black and white?

  15. Looks like my last official day with the Academy Awards is March 1st, which means I need to start filling March with work. Bring it!

  16. P-Touch 1400, oh how I love you.

  17. To the butt going after LAPD and other officers this morning. I hope you get gunned down today by the brothers you've turned your back on.

  18. Blasting the Back to the Future theme song in the office because I can.

  19. It's about 12:45am and I'm finished with all my work. Let's see if I can get a feature length scripted written in my downtime. I'll have until March 1st to complete it.

  20. Just finished watching 5 Broken Cameras, it was an interesting documentary.

  21. Tonight is my first overnight for the Academy Awards. Redbull don't fail me now!

  22. So many Alexa's on the field.

  23. Got my 1k Mole Nook and my little LTM Pepper back from repairs thanks to Reid! Now all I need is a new knob for my Arri 1k and a lens for my Mole Mini and I'll be back at 100%!

  24. Yay sick. I'm quarantining myself cause I have to be better by Friday, day one of the Oscars.

  25. Anyone know of a place in LA that sells lighting parts? I'm looking for a Mole 3" fresnel lens.

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