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Eirik Tyrihjel

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Posts posted by Eirik Tyrihjel


    And then after third slate started to get "Codec Error". Shooting on hard drives - swap them - same error. Reboot - same error.


    Sounds like a bad cable to me, had that problem before, get rid of old cable, use new one.

  2. Hi Eirik,


    I thought Knowing looked awful, I saw it from a film print at the best screen in Zurich.

    Horrible skin tones, clippy highlights, blown out skies, focus often in a strange place & any movement was unwatchable due to strobing. I would normally of walked out of the cinema however was curious as it was the first big budget 'RED' movie that I has seen.



    Hi Stephen,


    I don´t want to get into a lengthy argument concerning the movie "Knowing", but since your statements above are so incredibly different than how I experienced it, I feel at least I should make a reply.


    I watched it on blu-ray, in our grading theatre on a calibrated projector.

    So that makes me think: Is it possible that the film print is at fault? (or maybe they fixed the flaws when mastering the blu-ray) Because quite frankly on blu-ray "knowing" looks very very good (picture quality). And a brief search around the net revealed to me that the concensus among people who have reviewed the blu-ray is the picture quality, many of them award it 10 out of 10, none of those I read (about 8) mention any of the defects you mention.


    So if you have the chance and want to spend more time on it, please check it out on blu-ray and see if that makes any difference.





  3. Erik, I mean no disrespect but I think you're missing what Saul is trying to say. Saul is simply mentioning that pixel count is not the be all end all in camera technology, and that for the vast majority of productions, 2K resolution (real) is adequate, not saying that over-sampling is bad, but rather that there is a predilection these days to emphasize resolution over the other, and often more important, aspects of a camera system. And, sadly, it is true that a very small minority of projects shot on any system, even film I'd say, are destined for a film print! The youtube comment, I read as a tongue and cheek reference to an "HD" distro channel; You could also say how many Ks do you really need for DVD or BluRay.


    Thanks for the reply Adrian, I just think Saul made his point while making a lot of other not so valid points, it all became fairly hostile and ill informed imho, of course that´s just me ;-)


    Edit: for mispellings

  4. ]Let's relate this to the real world. Under ordinary circumstances, a Red will produce a picture that scales down to HD with reasonable results. The first sensor wouldn't even really do that and it isn't ever really going to be "4K".


    Are you saying that the film "Knowing" for instance is not "HD with reasonable results"? I find that fairly unreasonable.


    As far as the "4K" debate, it´s a dead horse - beaten over and over.. It´s tempting but I am not going there...


    I think RED has provided a phenomenal tool for filmproduction and people all around the world are responding to that.


    So sick of this small-penis-syndrome video resolution war. For 99.00% of individuals out there who use a RED or similar video camera, 2K workflow would be perfectly adequate for their purposes.


    I mean, unless you are going to a film print (tiniest percentage of RED users do so, and much to everyone else's chagrin) just how many resolution Ks are necessary for frigging youtube distribution?


    Instead we got some consumer marketing genius (Jannard) shinning a 20K up everyone's butt with his "my-sensor-is-bigger-and-with-more-Ks-than-yours" crap and most everyone just gets suckered in. :ph34r:


    I think you are way off Saul, your knowledge of the RED ONE seems to be inaccurate at best.


    With the RED ONE you can shoot natively at 4K, 3K and 2K, even if you choose to shoot 4K there are now some beatiful workflows out there that will allow you to work at lower resolutions, and render out at any resolution you want.


    The added benefits of shooting 4K among others are: You can go back in the future and make a 4K version if there is ever a need, you can extract a still image for whatever purpose in 4K (I do this a lot), you can reframe easily in post and not compromise on resolution, you can add a zoom in post and still stay way above 2K resolution (handy when shooting live shows), if you need to shoot at low light - downressing from 4K will help you get rid of noise.


    Saul, I think you are making very unfair, uncorrect generalisations about who is using the RED by your assumptions about most shooting for youtube, if you bother to check you will find no lack of feature films shot on the R1 by some very respected cinematographers.

    So please check out what the R1 does and who uses it before you make unfair general statements about 5000+ owners whom you never met! (And not to mention all the users who rent.)


    RED ONE Mysterium X is an incredibly powerful tool, at a very good price, it´s not about small-penis-syndrome, it´s about choises and options. I know one thing about mr. Jannards marketing, it´s been amazingly efficient and that´s what marketing is all about. And I see very few unhappy costumers, so they must be doing something right.

    There was a huge untapped/underestimated market before the R1 appeared, I can´t explain how the "others" missed it, but they did, and it was a ripe market for RED to pick.


    What happens when Epic and Scarlet enters stage will be very interesting, with or without HDR.



    Well actually, again, no. Interesting choice of words, because 4K processing is still an enormous pain in the neck, just as much as it was when Dalsa tried it. At least Arri put a debayer board in the Alexa, so you aren't forced to do half the work that (in my view) the camera should be doing as a very expensive part of your post process. I suspect that whenever you cut Red stuff on your macbook, you're working in considerably less than 4K resolution and with a considerably poorer debayer than the one about which Red like to make their most grandiose claims.


    Processing can mean all kinds of... processing. It does not necessarily refer to a 4K full debayer, and neither does it have to. When I offline on my Macbook Pro using proxies, It still technically processes these from the full 4K data, and it´s still part of the process of getting to a full debayer in online later (even on an overnight render on the laptop). Anyway it´s all nitpicking.

    Over the past 30+ months I have personally shot and ehm.. processed over 120 hrs of 4K R3D files using a laptop and a Mac tower, for all kind of end results.


    My POINT was/is: RED made working with 4K files managable, something the critics back then claimed they couldn´t do - they did it, so maybe they can deliver some smart solution in HDR as well.

  7. We will probably not know how they do it until they release Epic. Jim said the data is doubled in HDR mode - immediatly that suggests two concecutive exposures, yet Jim claims there is no trade off in HDR mode except the larger amounts of data (twice). Then it must be done in the same exposure... and if so it must lead to lower resolution, which again they indirectly say will not happen - as in "The only disadvantages are that you record twice the data." which suggests two concecutive exposures, this just beats me!


    But RED did an incredible job on REDCODE, which is an amazingly efficient codec, maybe they have done magic again?


    I am excited and curious, but I have to see it to believe it, and for it to be usable to me I don´t think two different frames (different in time) merged into one will work.

  8. First off, Kyle, relying on random people on an internet forum, is an even-larger amateur mistake than the one you made inititially.

    yeah... Kyle DON´T take the RANDOM guys word for it so feel free to PM me (or email me at et -:at.- groovyentertainment.com , and I will help set you up in RedCine and correct your footage, I am sure it will be just fine!


    The RED sensor is 5000K native, but that doesn´t stop it from performing beautifully in any other color temperature setting. (especially compared to other HD/digital cameras)


    I have owned and operated the RED ONE since Februar last year, (200+ shooting days) in all environments, for all types of budgets - for commercial, concert, documentaries and feature production, and we shoot 3200K lit scenes all the time with this cam, without filtration - but if you want to use filters, the 1/2 CTB seems to be the best bet while filming at 3200K with the RED 5000K sensor (this is too late in kyles case, while there is a little to gain in using this, I am positive your footage is fine, by what you have described).


    So by all means, listen to "random people", but take it from the people who knows the camera (you got my email adress, feel free to use it), not from someone who says:

    but with my experience with other HD cameras (not RED), you can fix it, but it will never look as good as if you correctly exposed it to begin with.


    (Btw, this isn´t about exposure, but about color temperature....)

  9. I produced (and shot) a rock concert yesterday, and one of the photographers accidentally hit the user definable button that auto-sets-color temperature and got it all wrong, after resetting it I told him not to worry about it happening during the show, as it would not influence the final output. I could tell he had a hard time believing me.


    Good luck on your project!

  10. Ahhhhhhh. So are you 100% positive it can be fixed. I was losing sleep over this.


    Well as long as your situation is this:


    You shot a tungsten lit scene at 5600 Kelvin setting in the camera (instead of 3200), I am 100% sure you are in the clear. Simplified: RED records the information that hits it´s sensor - so you can define your color temperature in post.

  11. I made a huge amateur mistake filming last night and was wondering if it is at all fixable in post with a professional colorist. I am thinking no, but maybe there is hope. I recorded indoors with tungsten balanced lights with the camera set at 5600k. I shot with f-stops between 2.4 and 2.1 . Due to the low light situation I am thinking that if a 3200k filter is put on it, the shots won't even show because a CTO or CTB will take a stop of light away from the existing 5600k shot.


    Please give me a sign of hope...or else due to mine and my AC's mistake there will be a reshoot.

    :( <_< :angry:


    Hi Kyle, there is definetly hope ;-)


    If you go into RED ALERT and open the file(s) you can reset the Color Temperature to whatever you want, and then choose "Make quicktimes" to get new quicktime proxies at your desired color temperature. Also you (or your colorist) can use RED CINE and again reset the color temperature to whatever it is supposed to be, and export your files to whatever format you want.


    RED shoots RAW, so the color temperature you set doesn´t really affect the RAW files, it´s only included in the meta data and you are free to reset it later (as shown above), so unless I misunderstand something, you are in the clear - your mistake is fixable! Welcome to the world of RED ;-)

  12. What's the ASA equivalent of Red with the standard "flattest" setup (whatever that is)?


    I recommend you set ASA to 320 using daylight, or 200 using tungsten.


    And like hey said, test anything you want to do (camera settings wise) befor you are out there in the heat.


    Good luck!

  13. Sorry for bursting into your little betting here, but isn´t money just a trivial thing in this?

    There might be a thousand reasons for not wanting to go higher than 50US$, today you can go to professional gaming companies and bet on almost anything, even the pretty obvious (at low odds obviously but still), there is money to be made - still a lot of people prefer not to (including me). (Add to that the possibilities in the stockmarket)


    Isn´t the most important part of this bet, who is right and who is wrong, it is recorded here on full names... that is worth a lot in my book. (no need for big cash, unless the invloved have millions to spare)


    My point is: quit bickering over the amount and get on with it! (the bet)


    I think it is a very interesting one! (love this thread!)

  14. You really want that spot to be clearly and unmistakably labeled though, to avoid any confusion in the heat of the battle.


    I agree, I had the two of the most experienced focus pullers in Norway in my house yesterday (prepping for a shoot with RED), they were both full of questions - and I am sure they will manage.

    The less you leave to chance the better results you will get, but anyone pofessional will insist on the brief that we did - and get it right.


    Hopefully RED will put the markings on there soon, as a camera owner I am free to mark my own camera - I might.

  15. Apparently there currently isn't a focal plane indicator. There have been negative comments about this on Reduser and the slow delivery of focus hooks.


    There isnt´t the usual O with a slash through it, but there is a divide in the body at the approximate location of the sensor (maybe 2mm behind it, it has been discussed in on reduser.net - I haven´t yet opened my camera to check, but it seems to be accurate.)


    I also don´t recall any "slow delivery of focus hook", I believe they are widely availalbe.

  16. I think it looks very very good, definetly a testimony that RED is delivering - when in good hands!


    Thanks for posting the images!


    EDIT: oh, by the way - what lenses did you use?

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