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David Hefner

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Posts posted by David Hefner

  1. Okay so I cleaned the lens as described and all the dirt and dust has been removed but when I take the lens off the camera and hold it up to the light I can see a thick film along with two small scratches. The film must be inside the lens. I guess the scratches must have been there before but just covered by the dust. I do also see one black spec in the middle but I guess this doesn't matter based on what was said.


    So is the lens useless now? Can it be saved? Should I take it into a shop and have it serviced or should I just buy a new 25mm lens?

  2. I'm trying to be careful about what I post in that I search the forum for my answer before I do so. I think I found my answer, but I want to make sure for this particular case.


    I just bought a new Bell & Howell 70-DR in great working order. However, upon examination I noticed both lenses, the 1' and 3', are very very dirty. When I remove them from the camera hold them up to the light I can see lots of dust and large specs of dirt. Today I bought some lens cleaner and paper but I'm worried about scratching.


    How do I effectively clean these lenses without scratching? Should I first use a brush and than the lese paper? Keep in mind, this dust has probably been there for some time and might not brush away easily. Are Q-tips okay for the hard to reach parts? Or maybe a wet tooth pick covered with the lens paper?


    Thanks guys.

  3. I recently acquired a Bell & Howell 70-DR in excellent condition. It didn't come with a user manual so I bought one and read it front to back. It talks about lubricating the camera and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could purchase proper stuff.


    Thanks guys.

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