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Posts posted by johan

  1. Well, you got the concept right, but doing it all at once using latex rubber creates a lot of problems. If you have to ask, you probably won't get it done. The thing is, latex rubber cures by drying. If the layers are too thick it doesn't dry well. Two seperate layers can be easily put together using the same latex. Doing it all at once only makes sence when your making only the one face, using the inside (wich will automatically be a negative of the same face) as the second face.


    Trust me, I've done this a lot.

    By the way, are you sure latex was used in MI?



  2. Quote;

    "I understand the safety aspect - years ago when doing the plaster versions I ended up ripping out most of the eye lashes of one eye which then ended up being embedded in the mould"


    You should use a lot of butter, for a good release of the skin and hair when using plaster.



    "I meant make a positve of the inside face and a negative of the outside face and then sandwhich latex between these two as a mould to create the mask"


    When you have a plaster negative of a face, and fill it with a thin layer of coloured and thickened latex rubber, on the backside a negative of the front will appear. If this wouldn't be sharp enough for your taste, you could repeat the recipe over the front of the other face. Blend the two together and you've got your mask, with faces on both sides, one in positive and the other in negative.



  3. Sorry, thats what I meant to do when I said "basically a convoluted variant of the plaster version" ... I should have elaborated ;)


    I meant make a positve of the inside face and a negative of the outside face and then sandwhich latex between these two as a mould to create the mask ... facial mismathces would become obvious at this point as the two sides to the mould wouldnt meld so well together ... but latex being as it is at least something with the profile of the inside face would result.


    I've had a quick sniff around the net and have found some books and vids to purchase - maybe I'll do that, but would rather avoid the snake oil merchants...


    I understand the safety aspect - years ago when doing the plaster versions I ended up ripping out most of the eye lashes of one eye which then ended up being embedded in the mould, interesting part was they transfered to the first positive in about the right place <_< Youch, almost was a hospital visit.

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