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Ricky Norris

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Posts posted by Ricky Norris

  1. Finally updated the ole reel.








    I Direct and DP 90% of my work. This reel includes two projects that I didn't direct, those are the 2009/2010 season of The Music Voyager which airs in North American on NatGeo & PBS, and then the John Butler Trio music video which I co-created, DP'd, and edited.


    great variety Rod! good song choice too.

  2. There's some very nice work in there, but its a bit depressing and hard to watch, which might be detrimental to people actually looking through all of it for jobs. Just a thought.

    Is there not any "happier," shots, shots of "human triumph" to add in there to break it up?


    Thanks Adrian, its a good point forsure. I think the initial intention was to really show what the reality of those scenarios felt like, as it was most of what I experienced last year, but I totally agree with you and it is much appreciated.

  3. There's some very nice work in there, but its a bit depressing and hard to watch, which might be detrimental to people actually looking through all of it for jobs. Just a thought.

    Is there not any "happier," shots, shots of "human triumph" to add in there to break it up?


    Thanks Adrian, its a good point forsure. I think the initial intention was to really show what the reality of those scenarios felt like, as it was most of what I experienced last year, but I totally agree with you and it is much appreciated.

  4. Just wrapped last week, and had a great time. Shot Red, 4k 2:1, and cropped for 2.35, had Zeiss Super Speeds which really proved to be the perfect set for the shoot. Shot a decent amount of the film at f2, with more intense sections at f1.3 and the beach scenes which needed to feel more fresh in contrast to the 'stillness' of the rest of the film at a around a f4-5.6 split. Rated the red for 320.


    The film is about a couple going through a still birth, and how grieving and loss can turn into bitterness, something we think everyone will be able to relate to somehow. I was fortunate enough to be working with a director who really got the script, and allowed me to feel through the visuals with as much freedom as I needed.


    Shoot went 4 days, fairly packed but went smoothly none the less. We had a cat scheduled in the first day and so we were defiantly apprehensive at first, working with animals and scheduling that in with a company move, but thank the Lord it went really well and I have a new faith in cat wranglers, they do an incredible job getting you what you need.


    As far as lamps and setups, we had a 2.5k HMI Par most of the interiors, with a 1.2k HMI next to, and if we needed more inside we had a 400 Joker bug HMI which I loved. For the bathroom, we, thanks to the incredible job set design did, had a beautiful set bathroom built with 3 wild walls. We rigged a 12x griff with gold and silver above the set, with silver bounce on the sides. Shot our 2.5k up and it produced a great soft light. And finally for the beach setup, we had a 20x hi-lite which was a great soft while not being too soft either.


    I felt blessed to have such a great crew, my gaffer Daniel Mcnutt really executed the lighting so well, my 1st Chris Daniel pulled so solid and my op Joey Kennedy was so smooth, not to mention that my dolly grip featherd the slow moves so dang well (there were alot of them).


    I'm posting up some frames that I did a quick grade in Red Cine, and I would really love to hear what you all think.


    Thanks so much.









  5. Um I'm not positive, but I think that first link for the panasonic camera is a scam, make sure you check out resellerratings before buying from them. Be careful! As far as the cameras themselves, I know that alot of people, including myself, have had good experiences with the dvx. Its a dependable camera with a good rep. Features have been shot on it.

  6. So I'm shooting a documentary next week in Arkansas on a DVXB, and its about a blind woman who has battled cancer four times, and has just had an intense life. I've shot a short about a blind person before, but I had a hard time last time figuring out how to shoot it, considering they don't really have a line of sight, so for my master shots I'm wondering how to shoot it. Any advice would be really helpful. Thanks.

  7. Personally, and not that I'm any real feature expert, I enjoyed the film alot, but did have a little hard time at first watching whatever frame rate they shot it in. It just felt a little too National Geographic at first. Perhaps I just haven't seen enough features like that though? I have to give Semler credit because he made it work, and conveyed the story visually, and I'm glad I was uncomfortable, because I think the more variation in film industry we have, the better. The choice to shoot film or digital shouldn't be made based on cost effectiveness (though unfortunately, and especially for starving film students like myself it can be a unfortunate necessity :lol: ) but on whatever the DP felt would best fit the story and art of the film.

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