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Dennis Kisilyov

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Everything posted by Dennis Kisilyov

  1. Dear Joe, Could you expand on the properties of this CCTV camera, brand, lens mount type (c/cs mount typicaly), is it what you call 1/3 CCD or 1/4 CCD secuirty camera, It looks like a half size Sharp 1/4CCD. Thanks in advance.
  2. From what that looks like the PIN near the gate lost grip of the film, I've been practice loading my K-3 and I've seen it do that, usu. when it does the sound changes to a more sewing machine "clack - clack - clack" sound, and if the camera is open the back plate will jump (more wildily at 8fps than at 24fps.) It could also be that the film is slipping on the return side of the loop, I've noticed that could be a problem. There is a clip that pops open (bent on my camera) it could easily do it a 16fps or higher. At that point if you have the plastic loop makers in place the loop will grow in size and film will start folding causing this type of effect and can pop-off the PIN. This is a 100% wild guess as I am a total noob. I just happened to get my hands on a K-3 last week.
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