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Scott W Larson

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Posts posted by Scott W Larson

  1. This is a scene from a film I shot awhile back. We were on location on the second floor of an apartment building with a north facing window at about 2:00 pm, with very blue afternoon skylight coming in the window. The script called for this scene to be at about 6:00am with the girl sitting near the window and we had nowhere we could really put any lights.



    After some discussion with my gaffer we came up with a simple solution. Luckily we had a tree outside the window, and we managed to use a c-stand arm to strap a 500 watt (or a 1K, sorry cant remember which) tungsten light to a branch. Then we switched to daylight stock (7205), let the blue skylight get closer to white, and the tungsten light to give us some orange morning light. So this is the color you get when shooting tungsten onto daylight stock.



  2. I'm finally looking at buying a color meter. I know about he Gossen 3F and the Mineolta CL-200 but are there any others out there? Does anyone have a preference?






    Ive got a Gossen 3F and it works well for me. Have never used the Minolta so I cant really make a comment about it, but the Gossen is a good meter.




    Scott Larson

  3. Im buying an Aaton that comes with no lenses. But the guy who is selling it has an adapter for video lenses (I believe its for lenses that mount onto a Sony camera from a PL mount). He shot docs for the BBC, who he said ran tests and determined the specs to be acceptable, and the lenses cover Super16. He wasnt trying to push me to buy it and he seems to know his stuff, so I believe it worked for him. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience using this for projection as opposed to TV. Might be something some of you might want to look into sometime.


    Scott Larson

  4. Anyone have any experience using HD lenses for super 16? I am buying an Aaton soon and have to choose what kind of lens. I am wondering if the quality would be just as good as say a Zeiss zoom, and would I save any money?




    Scott Larson

  5. Someone posted this same topic awhile ago, and there was a lot of good advice, but I cant remember which part of this site I saw it on...


    I may be buying a Super16 Camera from the UK and I live in Japan. So I have been wondering what is the best (and least expensive) way to know that I am getting a camera in good condition? Anyone have any advice and/or experience buying a used camera from an individual (not a reputable camera shop)? Any words of wisdom are appreciated.



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