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Liam Dale

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Posts posted by Liam Dale

  1. I was talking with a professor of mine and asked about how he was able to find financing for one of his film back in the day and he said that in the 60's and 70's putting money into a film was tax deductable up to $30,000 so you could just go around and beg bankers to throw you some money and they would. Now, this went down the tube when they changed the tax laws so I guess it isn't exactly helpful to point out, but wouldn't it be nice if we could write some letters and get the gov't to change that back - help out the little guys a bit.

  2. In the Nizo manual it says that using a handheld lightmeter will not give accurate results. I assme this is because of light loss in optics and the internal meter compensating for them to get a correct exposure. I think there are some times when it would be nice to use a handheld meter, or impractical to use the internal meter, so I was wondering if anyone knows how much to adjust a meter reading to give a proper exposure. Thanks.



  3. You are going to confuse people again... Well, at least confuse me :rolleyes:


    I'd refer to them as developing spirals or people wont know what you are on about ;) specifically, lomo spirals unless someone knows of another manufacturer that did 16mm in long lengths ?

    Thanks Nick, probably right. I grew up saying spools for the little ones for 35mm stills.

  4. Hey all,


    I am looking for 16mm developing spools to use in an experimental process I am developing. I don't need the tanks, just reels in useable condition. If you have one or a couple sitting in a box somewhere gathering dust please drop me a line. Thanks.



  5. are you looking for a tank for still film, or one of the big ones for movie use?

    I actually don't need the tank, just the large reel for movie use. I am planning on using the gelatine on the film as a substrate on which to grow mold, and if I could find a spiral developing reel it would keep the film from touchig itself and act as a better surface. Do they still make these or is my only hope ebay?

  6. It would actually be easier to shoot the elements in 16mm and reduce them down, if you have a 16mm-to-16mm optical printer. Otherwise, you need a Super-8 to 16mm optical printer.


    Also, by shooting in 16mm, you can make low-contrast color-timed IP dupes from the original negs to put in the positive projector side of the optical printer, rather than reversal positive original Super-8 elements. Plus you'll have better image stability working with 16mm elements.

    so you are saying that it is possible to 1) reduce the images to fit, and 2) place those reduces images in the appropriate places - just that it would look better if I stayed solely in 16mm? Thanks for the response.

  7. Ok, everyone. I never have used an optical printer before, but I am familiar with the basic idea and could gain access to one at my uni (and also technical assistance for basic workings with the OP). What I want to accomplish is this: If one were to divide the 16mm frame into three columns and three rows I would like to optically print one frame of super-8 film into each one of the nine squares. I chose super-8 because I think it would ease the pressure on the optical printer to shrink the image because it would already be using a smaller one. Is it possible to shrink the super-8 frame down the neccesary level? Is it possible to accurately control the placement of the super-8 image within the 16mm frame? (maybe with some sort of matte?) I realize that this could probably be accomplished much easier if I were to just telecine the super-8 footage and do the manipulations in a computer, but if it would be possible to keep the process entirely on film I would prefer attempting to do that. If there is somewhere else, better, that I could ask this please let me know as well. Thanks, all.



  8. I found a roll of processed 16mm color film in my basement and it's all kind of slimy from sitting in dampness for a while. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good way to quickly dry out the gelatine - there are some interesting distortions but I don't want to run it through a projector while it's slimy. thanks



  9. If I were attempting to collect 9 identical super-8 cameras for a project are there any particular camera to look for? The requirements for this camera are that it take reasonably good images, be fairly cheap, and available. No need for a zoom, intervolometer, 24 fps, etc. but a wide lens is a big plus. Any suggestions?



  10. Hey all,


    I am looking for two super 8 cameras in working condition - an Elmo F20S-xl super wide and a Eumig Nautica underwater camera. I don't mind if they are aesthetically a little worn, as long as they are mechanically sound. If you have either, or both, of these gathering dust on a shelf somewhere help a student out and drop me an e-mail. I'm hoping to shoot a short film in rural Jamaica next December.



    Liam Dale

  11. Hey all,


    So I am planning on shooting a short film on a Nizo Professional in rural Jamaica next december and I thought it would be nice to find a Eumig Nautica for bad weather/underwater/river walking/whatever scenes. While this isn't a post asking where to find one (though if someone has one gathering dust drop me a line) I more wanted to know if it would be possible to adjust the Eumig to shoot 25 (or 24) fps to match my nizo. If anyone has heard of this being done and could point me in the right direction it would be most appreciated.




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