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Cynthia Hill

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Posts posted by Cynthia Hill

  1. My colleagues and I will soon be shooting some interviews for a documentary on the life of a young Czech artist who completed more than 100 paintings and drawings as well as five novels before dying in Auschwitz. We plan on using several of his paintings as interview backdrops. We are very limited budget wise, so the goal is to project the painting(s) on dark gray muslin fabric using a laptop and projector (Epson 750c). I know the key is getting enough light from the projector on to the backdrop while still maintaining a dramatic contrast ratio. I was wondering whether anyone had some additional pointers.


    I will shooting with the Panasonic HVX 500/ Thanks!

  2. Hi there,


    I am finding it increasingly difficult to convince my students that the DVX100a cameras we use in our MA program in documentary filmmaking will not prevent their film from being broadcast. No matter how much I try to tell them that good storytelling is key to getting their films distributed they always seem convinced that using a camera with more bells and whistles will somehow transport them to Shangri-La. Listen, I don't discount the importance of having professional-caliber gear, but the DVX100 is hardly a substandard camera. In fact, I just completed work on a 60-minute documentary using a DVX-100. Granted it paled in comparison, visually, with the last doc we shot with a Cine-Alta ( a project that aired on Independent Lens), but you go with the tools you have.


    Does anyone have any additional words of wisdom I can impart? Thanks!

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