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Posts posted by Gaffer

  1. I have often used inverters for HMI equipment for may years. They work well.

    The quality units are not cheap + most good ballast units will cut out long before they do themselves any damage.

    Seems a bad move that after ruining one unit you damaged a 2nd one by using it with this power supply.

    how cheap was this power supply?

    Sounds really that its the sort of converter that you would use with lesser unit.


    Sure that you will be told too use the manufactures unit that they supply.

    It will of course be much more expensive.

    What were the units involved then we may be able to advise an easier way to use them and not to damage your equipment.(were the units new or have you used them before + what were the previous units if any that you used them with)

  2. Inventive how too light a set thats Mirror floor, All walls are mirrors, and the ceilings are mirrors. + 150 extras on set then 3 people on set.


    Think David Watkin should be in there somewhere.( mind you he has Oscar but not for this)


    "Return to Oz"


    Nothing was moved?

  3. In my opinion Roger Deakins is one of the greatest modern cinematographers. He was the DP behind some of the most visually beautiful films. He shot A Beautiful Mind, The Village, and The Shawshank Redemption just to name a few.


    only to be seen on the screen "Secret Garden"

    A childrens film

  4. I would always encourage anyone with a sense of adventure.

    1st what knowledge have you too put a unit together.

    2nd do your crew have an electrical knowledge + the required qualifications.

    3rd a safe working knowledge of ventilation the ability to work out the loadings too work safely in or on locations with generators within premises. (industrial, schools, hospitals,etc).


    These may seem basic questions but overload a circuit in a hospital.

    Whats the worst that could happen.

    Knock out a circuit that trips a breaker, that controls a incubator, a life support machine, or just turns a light out while staff operating.

    Yes the premises have backup gennies that cut in when the power fails.(but not everywhere)


    Try and stick too what you can do.

    It takes years to become a good electrician thats before you enter the film industry.


    This may seem a harsh reply.

    If you find a gaffer check the people he has worked with, its only a phone call do not rely on companies that supply equipment, this is sometimes a bad way to go.


    Having worked in the industry quite a while. I have seen people that have put there name on a CV when they totally F*^%ed the job up.


    Always get more than one recommendation if you are not sure.


    Always discuss aspects of the job what Extras that are not included in the price of your project intended finish time.


    Once you have built you unit if you do?

    You now have to maintain it.keep it too a standard.

    if anything goes wrong its yours no insurance claim for loss of a shooting day.

    Good luck if you do.


    Advice is stick too people that do it for a living.

    When you find a good Gaffer he will look after its his living.

  5. used these on numerous occasions good over fill from above .


    A really good use for these lights is in an Art Gallery with paintings that may be damaged by heat oils etc the helium cools the lamps making them usefull as they should not damage paintings due to heat.


    i would not recommend these for you average picasso.

    As I dont think you insurance would cover it.

  6. I have used Cinemills 20KW tungsten, 18KW HMI these are based on the lightweight brute/arc housing.

    in terms of craftsmanship they leave the rest behind. I 1st used these on the model unit of the Avengers.

    the spot and flood are very precise and leave all the competition behind.

    Having used Arri, Lee,LTM,+ afew not worth a mention.

    Always check what fresnel you have the shot glass being the best?(but more expensive) These are the old brute /arc fresnel.


    If anybody has an arri lamp that the doors do not fall out of please tell me? Without doubt the most dangerous piece of equipment on any set.


    lots of equipment made in China.Spare parts?maybe. Not so sure.

    Not checked Cinemills site for a while.Tell me what interests you and I'll have a look.


    "Please dont forget most lighting ideas are at least 100 years old."

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