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Michele Peterson

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Posts posted by Michele Peterson

  1. If you're close to getting a degree at any level, I'd say finish that while you are starting your cinematography career. Just in case you find out after your first few film jobs that this isn't what you really want, you'll have something to go back to. Any degree is better than none. Start taking whatever decent jobs you can find. It takes awhile to get enough connections to be working full time, so that will give you time to finish school. You can also take a few film, TV or journalism classes if there are any at your school.



    You must have a good understand of science if you are pursuing a PhD. Cinematography is one of the most technical crafts in film. There is a fair amount of basic math, and science you need to know in order to get the artistic/creative effect you want.

  2. I've encountered several producers/PM's that seem to disappear rather quickly as soon as I bring up getting things in writing. I have several people I know and have worked with in the past that I can trust not to BS me. They are also the ones that don't call me until they know the project is ready to go.


    I'm always open to hearing about a new gig unless I already have a commitment to another in writing. Especially if I've asked for theirs or sent over your deal memo and they haven't gotten back to me in a reason amount of time, then it's their fault for not locking me up when they had the chance. I'm not going to wait around for something that may not happen. You've got to look out for yourself first. With the economy the way it is, a lot of people seem to be losing funding that they thought they were going to have and shoots are falling through.

  3. I was once told "There is an "official" length of time that you have to comply with to work as a dp.


    In the US, there used to be seniority system in the at least some of the union locals. I came in after it, but from what I've heard and been told, a person started out as an apprentice and moved up as they gained experience. Now with only 30 days experience, or less on a non-union show, someone can walk in as a Key Grip and be in charge of rigging equipment over the heads of the rest of the crew, that if done wrong could kill people.

  4. I've thought that being a fireman sounds intriguing


    There are a lot of volunteer opportunities around the country for firefighting. Dept's in SoCal require you to be at least be an EMT (so you can be dual function), and most want paramedics. I got trained and certified as an EMT because it was something in life I always wanted to do, so I did it and crossed it off my to-do list. I volunteer for charity events and find it incredibly rewarding to connect to people in a way that it is near impossible to do while making a film. It opened a lot of doors I never expected. I meet a former grip that is now a firefighter and she has urged me to get into the fire dept if I ever burn out. As soon as people I already knew from productions found out I became an EMT, the set medic job offers were lining up at my door.


    With the hours we keep during production, it can be very hard to find time for new things and hobbies outside of film. It's critical to have interests outside of film. It also makes one a more well rounded person with life experiences you can bring to a production. Next on my list is scuba diving.

  5. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a company willing to hire someone who isn't already local or in the area to meet. From the point of view of an employer, it's easier for them to hire someone local they've interviewed in person than to risk someone else they haven't. I've never heard of anyone paying below the line crew to relocate, mostly because they are freelancers. If you have a connection with someone already it might be a different story though.

  6. I'm sorry, Richard. That was an awful overreaction on my part. I'm just sick of whining feminazi Michele Peterson telling us white males how universally horrible we are, and that we see successful women as a threat to our masculinity. She's just such a pathetic hate-mongerer, keen to blame the evil white male for every injustice in the world.



    On a happier note:


    1'49.286!! WOO HOO!!



    Go get real! I never said or believed anything even close to that.

  7. I was taught to be very careful not to step on toes and bring too much, like power tools without being asked to. Local 80's required minimum tools are all hand tools. The key is usually getting a kit fee for the additional power tools and if I were to bring it for free, the producers' wouldn't want to pay the kit fee. Then I lower the standard, don't get hired by the key again, and I don't make a kit fee to allow me to replace blades and other upkeep of my kit. When in doubt, you could always bring your power tools, but leave them in your vehicle nearby and don't take them out until you know for sure.

  8. Lighting wise, I was always taught to light for the wide first, then move in and adjust and fine tune your lighting for the close up. If you start with the CU, then you constantly have to go get more lights as you widen out. However, there are exceptions to that. In a very difficult scene for the actors, the director might want close ups first, before the actors start to burn out.


    Unfortunately, student production often have more people telling each other what to do. It usually comes from a good intention fo trying to help, but can easily get obnoxious. As student, you usually know and are on the same level as the other students working and that creates a comfort zone to be able to say something. Many are also dying to be able to get behind the camera or moving the light. It puts you in a hard position because they might get pissy and create obnoxious problems with you and others and you still have to deal with them on a regular basis in school. I've heard stories of people that were green PA's making suggestions to higher ups and of course they end up being not needed the next day.

  9. Again with the cheap insults. You aren't convicting other that I am wrong by insulting me and people don't automatically believe it just because you say it. If someone who can have a mature debate has an actual point they'd like to make, then this would be worth continuing. Otherwise, Richard, you can throw in your next insult in a failed attempt to cover up your lack of a good argument, but you're the only one who actually thinks you come across well, so I can rest assured that everyone else will see through your next attempt to lie and insult me. Your track record speaks for itself.

  10. Two jobs and broke? Why do you continue to make stuff up? You know nothing about me or any jobs I have or don't have. I freelance in TV. I said I am an EMT, yes, I have worked as a set medic. I'm not a one trick pony that can only shoot, I have depth.


    Do you have no other argument for what you did other than denial and attacking others?

  11. You refer to my point and then quote something. How is that sarcasm or anything but a quote? Saying you don't really mean a quote when you quote something is ridiculous! It's a pathetic excuse. Do you really think anyone believes you? It's obvious you tried to imply it as a quote from me to make me look bad, it's libel.

  12. Yes I KNOW THAT! Putting it in quotes was not to attribute it to you.


    Putting it on quotes was to summarize your philosophy in one brief statement. I don't think any one, other than you, took it as a direct quote from you.


    You don't need to keep trying to warn me re my reputation, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.




    You're trying to sum up me? LOL You are making up what I believe! You think I believe that because you want to, I never reffered to all white males being in a conspiracy and don't believe that in the slightest. Why do you think it is ok to get to make up what I believe?


    Quotation marks means an exact quote! That is the definition of what a quote is! That is what the English language as a whole has made standard. Where do get the idea that quotations mean anything else? Paraphrasing does not use quotation marks. It's a lie to refer to me in quotes if I didn't say it. I'm not going to stand by and let you get away with it.

  13. It's never easy to get started, but don't give up. Sometimes productions come into a town with crew already.


    On your resume do you list the projects you worked on in school? Don't try to pass them off as something they aren't, but if you did work on them, list them. You can list a description of training and equipment you got hands on experience with in school. Is there a venue near you that you could get lighting experience with. Maybe a concert venue or theatre near you might be looking for another lighting tech.

  14. What other point do you have to make other than, "all white males are in a conspiracy to keep down women and minorities?"


    I never said the above statement you put into quotes when referring to me and my points.


    Denial and insults don't make you look any better, so try cutting it out and saving you're reputation.

  15. What's an example of a program that gives minorities an opportunity without hurting any one else? If it's private funds I could care less. Public funds are a different thing all together.


    The Program that started this is! It is a private production company! It says so right on the site. It also isn't hurting anyone else because it is NOT excluding whites. No where did I see it say no white males, or only minorities. Just because it wants to help minoriites, doesn't automatically mean no whites! There is no evidence to that they don't accept white men, you're only assuming!!! And as the saying goes, when you assume you make and ass out of you an me. I participated in a program that had the goal to help train minorities, but they had several white males in the program, they helped without excluding anyone or hurting anyone.




    I also noticed you have nothing to say about the total lie you tried to pass off as a quote from me! That is completely unprofessional. You are destroying your own credibility. You are making assumptions about me and those assumptions are total wrong.

  16. One of their polices was called "employment equity".


    No one is arguing for Employment Equity, Affirmative Action (as it was called in the US) or quotas of any kind! If your whole point is against quotas, no on is arguing you on that. My only problem is when people who don't like affirmative action try to use that as an excuse to take away programs that give minorities opportunities without hurting anyone else. The idea behind affirmitive action was to get more minorities into jobs and that would eliminate discrimination. I'm certainly not arguing that affirmative action worked. But having positive examples in positions that they rarely are in, is what will get rid of discrimination. Offering them more opportunities is what gets more minorities involved without having to force someone to hire them. Not every program is the same or even close to a quota, so don't lump it in with quotas.


    Another one of Bob Rae's scheme's was to run ads in newspapers for jobs with the Ontario gov't that actually had "White Males Need Not Apply" at the bottom! I kid you not!


    It may not have been meant to be literal, but satire used to make a political point by showing whites what it is like on the other side of discrimination.


    Senior citizens get discounts because many are not actually well off. They have fixed incomes from pensions that do not increase with inflation. Gas prices go up, but their pension payouts don't. Many blue collar type workers never made much money to put extra away. Some people had pensions from employers, such as Enron, and then that was gone from something they couldn't control. Senior citizens, in the US, also have many more medical bills and expenses than the average youth. The reason a business wants to give discounts to senior is to give them an incentive to want to go to the movies or the restaurant or whatever the business is. 90% is better than 0.

  17. I didn't say "all white males are in a conspiracy...", putting it in quotes doesn't put words in my mouth!


    Who? - The whole thread is about Phil asking why it is legally allowed that the original program can have the goal to help a minority! You are saying they shouldn't be allowed to do anything based on race, including help through this program!


    In a perfect world race would not be an issue, but the world isn't perfect, and people don't get hired based on race, so now people, like you, are saying race doesn't matter and shouldn't be used help someone. Affirmative action and quotas, is not what the original program is doing. It trains people and helps them find jobs, NOT force anyone to hire anyone else. Equating this program to affirmative action or quotas is incorrect. My point is and always has been, that these programs are not taking jobs out of the hands of white males, or forcing anyone to hire minorities. There is not reason (which is Phil's original question of why) not to allow a program to help minorities, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. The program in question isn't hurting anyone because it isn't forbidding whites or forcing someone to hire a minority over a white.

  18. I NEVER said people shouldn't be treated equally! Everyone here is arguing against help minorities. Helping a minority is not the same as taking a job out of white person's hands, so what's the harm? Discrimination exists, so what try to take an opportunity away from people that face it much more often? It's not a perfect world where all discrimination is gone instantly, so whay take away a program that helps without hurting others? People who want to help, are trying to create opportunities where minorities can get in to compensate for the discrimination. Just because a program, like the original one, has a goal to help minorities, does not mean that they will do it at a white person's expense. White men have not been forbidden to take part in these programs. It's not quotas in any way, no one is saying white people can't get into these programs too. There are a wealth of opportunities to go around, this is one opportunity for minorities, who happen to have less doors open to them.



    If you don't agree with the ACTRA, then you have every right to do something about it. As I said, discrimination does exists, but don't wait for someone else to fix it for you. Or like you refer to people before, just make your own opportunities and keep working through it. There is also a supply and demand issue that gives reason to try to get more ethnic people in (as someone already mentioned earlier). More white people apply, so they can be pickier with them, but in acting, looks are a requirement in a way that is not necessarily discrimination, so they need to have other ethnicities too. If only 5 black people apply and they have 5 black parts available, they can take all 5, if 100 whites apply and only 5 can work, then they don't need to take all 100, they only want to take the top 5.


    Just because you want to make me sound worse to make yourself sound better by making up random stuff about me (that I have a victim complex and am against equality) and things I never said does not make it true or other people believe it. Becasue I can debate back and forth and have actual points against something said does not make it twisting or illogical. You asked why I didn't comment about Phil's comment, I answered, then he responded in regards to it. Phil brought up the thread because he wants to debate it. I can continue to debate if I want to. I don't have to stop because you don't like going up against me. I also don't have to stand by and let you call refer to me as illogical just because you and I don't agree and you have no other point to make.

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