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Cristian T

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Posts posted by Cristian T

  1. Thanks a lot for the answer... Really helpful


    1. I will change the name right now... I´m sorry :)

    2. I don´t want to enlarge the cropped image back to 1080 ... I just want to leave it to 720, that´s will be the final output... And you´re right, the ideal method would be to ¨get the image close to being "correct"¨ without cropping anything... Cropping it´s not such a bad idea anyway, if you have enough resolution, etc... A lot of people do it, in photography as well. I didn´t say I want to crop everything, or just to make the whole composition in post, just to use it when I need it... And all of us no matter how professional are can´t make always the perfect composition while shooting, etc... But that´s my opinion, maybe you can.... And who said I want to use ¨crop¨ to fix everything in post? These are bad interpretation.

    Anyway, thanks a lot, I´ll remind your suggestions...



  2. Hello everyone!

    I don't know where to post this, hope that someone will help me!

    I want to transfer digital to film. I own a HVX200 PAL version camera... I've read the "Recommended Settings for the Panasonic HVX200 and Transfer to Film" on the dv website and others as well and I'm a little confused about the resolution ...

    I want to record in 1080/25p and then in "post" to crop the image to fit 720p resolution, because in this way I can make the "composition" better, I can stabilize the image digitally if nedeed, etc... doesn't matter, don't ask :D

    I've read that 720p will lose about 15-20 % resolution, I understand that, but what exactlly this process is, do they enlarge the actual image (720p) to fit 35mm? How this image would look like on a 35mm film, I heared that many people shoot 720p for theatrical purpose and not 1080, even though they lose some resolution. What's the big difference between the two formats (1080 vs 720) when it's transferred to film?

    I really want to shoot 1080 and then to crop the image, it's more comfortable for me, it's very important if you want to correct the actual composition, etc.. and I don't know if this method it's recommended... and the most important thing is I'm a totally newbie...

    Thank you!

  3. Hello there!

    I'll try to give you all the information you need to imagine how the scene will look like.

    Im about to shoot a short scene which is set in a parking garage like this one:




    There is no much light, and my camera (with a DOF mounted) won't handle in a dim light situation like this one. So, I need some lights there.

    The scene is about a person who just enter the parking and goes towards his car. He walks a while, about 50 m, so I'm thinking about some wide shots there covering the whole parking and the person. I have no idea how to set the lights since there are some wide shots too.

    If you didn't understand, please tell me, and I'll make you some storyboards if I have to, :))

    I just want to ask your advice about setting the lights.

    Don't laugh, I'm not very experimented :D


    Thank you!!!

  4. Excuse my bad english!

    I don't really know where to post this, if this is the wrong place please tell me!

    I'm new in this world of cameras.

    What's the real difference between 24p video and 24p film? I'm reffering to the cine look.

    I heard if you want to shot 24p digital with your camera (e.g with AG-DVX100) still won't look like film.

    I didn't find a complete explanation for that.

    The motion of a movie shot in digital (24p) looks to be a little faster. Seems to have more "frames" than 24 for a newbie like me. A movie shot in 24p (digital) looks more realistic and faster than a film one. All motion look different.

    Thank you!

  5. Excuse my bad english!

    I don't really know where to post this, if this is the wrong place please tell me!

    I'm new in this world of cameras.

    What's the real difference between 24p video and 24p film? I'm reffering to the cine look.

    I heard if you want to shot 24p digital with your camera (e.g with AG-DVX100) still won't look like film.

    I didn't find a complete explanation for that.

    The motion of a movie shot in digital (24p) looks to be a little faster. Seems to have more "frames" than 24 for a newbie like me. A movie shot in 24p (digital) looks more realistic and faster than a film one. All motion look different.

    Thank you!

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