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Posts posted by biggip

  1. This is one of the most childish conversations I have ever seen on a message board. And I can´t see how sexuality got mixed in the conversation. I think some people have to be more open minded on this forum. A true and a good artists never blames the tools. Wheter your using film or video it´s your challange to make it look as best as it can. Come on people....

  2. Hi I have been looking and doing some reasearch of the video formats avalible to shoot my short film in february. I have been thinking about Canon XL2 or a HDV camera. I have few questions and if somebody could answer them that would be great :)


    1) I understand the quality of HDV is much better the DV. Would it be possible to shoot the film in HDV and show it in ordinary television, projectors, burn it on a dvd for regular dvd system (In regular tv resulution) or is the image going to be crazy´d up.


    2) I also read that HDV would be expensive to shoot? Why is that isin´t it just the HDV tapes you have to buy and your good to go or is there something extra.


    So the bottom line is I want to be able to show my film at as many possible places I can. TV, Film Festivals and distribute ot dvd´s. Can I use HD or should I go DV?


    best regards

    Birgir Pétur Þorsteinsson

  3. I have a 6000$ budget for a 30min short film i´m making. Do you think it is possible to shoot this on 35mm on a rented camera for this amount, or should I rather consider to buy a Canon DV XL2. If so wich should I buy the PAL or NTSC version for possible Film 35mm blowup because I want to send it to various Short Film Festivals.


    best regards

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