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Adam Forrester

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Posts posted by Adam Forrester

  1. Hello All,


    Just wondering what is the usual wait time for invoices most people have said 30 days is when you should expect to see a check. Just wondering what's proper etiquette, at what point do I send another invoice, or do I send another, do I call the producer? Sorry if this is all stuff I should know this is just my first big job where I didn't get paid at the end of day. But I think if I continue to get more work with bigger companies this is the norm.


    Is there an invoice template for grips and electrics?


    Also how does one determine the rates is there a listing for different locals and roles like say an electrician in Philly. Or a grip in Atlanta.

  2. Amazing! I am really excited for you and your team Oliviar. I was planning on using a similar setup just with a Letus and maybe cine primes but I don't know that much about the HDV adapters. I'm open to any comparisons you or anyone has for the two.


    But I am really amazed at how this turned out for you, it looks great, and the story sounds honest and intriguing. Please let us all know where we can see the film when it's available. Best to all of you at the festivals.


    Adam Forrester


  3. I moved to LA a few months ago and I've been trudging along here training at Panavision learning mags and cameras, assisting and gripping when I catch a gig. If anyone has an intern position in the camera dept or know of a gaffer or DP who wouldn't mind an apprentice around. I have enclosed a resume, and I am open to any suggestions. My interest include documentary, drama, independent, and DPs such as Lance Acord, Robert Yeoman, Eric Steelberg, ah yes...and Darius Khondji.




    Adam Forrester


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