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John Woods

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Posts posted by John Woods

  1. About the only high end school that might interest you is the Canadian Film Centre. Its about as close as you can get to a school like the AFI in Canada. The Canadian Society of Cinematographers offers some workshops from time to time. Capilano University has a large film program and a snazzy new building and offers cinematography courses. However, I've not attended any of these and don't have any first hand reports on them as to how advanced they get. There are several multi-year programs at various universities that are well regarded but are probably too broad and time consuming for your specific interests.


    With two features shot and a nice reel I think you'd be wasting your time at any school. Film schools don't have the money to rent the latest gear, they tend to use what they have on a fancy camera to lure in the students looking for buzz words like "RED" or "ALEXA", and won't get you working with technocranes, large sets with studio rigging or doing big night exteriors with 18ks in condors and wet downs and all that jazz. If you're really new then a school can be a good introduction to lighting and camerawork but you seem to be already at a high level.

  2. There are a lot of naysayers out there but you can achieve surprisingly good quality with home equipment. The problem is handling the long lengths without an industrial setup. A 100' of 16 or 35mm is about all you can realistic manage in a typical home darkroom. Also while you can get decent results for B&W film or colour E-6. Its difficult to get good colour negative results because rem jet removal is a difficult step to manage with an amateur setup.


    If you are lucky and patient you might be able to locate a Cramer film processor. These were made for small labs, hospitals and news rooms to process 400' lengths of Super 8 or 16mm. It'd take some effort and money to get 35mm rollers and modify the machine for that guage. I know a fellow who is in the midst of restoring one, its very compact, maybe 6' long 4' high. Practically a tabletop machine. The manual for it has a brochure that says the company also made 35mm machines but I imagine those would be even rarer.


    There is a guy in the UK who modified a Jobo processor to handle 50' of super 8, but I don't see that being realistic for 35mm.


    More likely, you might also be able to modify a microfilm processor or a 1 hour photo lab processor to handle long lengths of film.

    Here is a film done on a microfilm processor:


    And an article on the machine used: http://cinedarkroom.wordpress.com/2013/01/28/processing-with-the-kodak-prostar/

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  3. As mentioned in the Detroit lab topic, Alphacine is shutting down their lab but will continue to offer digital post. Its not a surprising announcment, with the end of 35mm distribution there is going to be more lab closures announced.


    When Deluxe shut down the last lab in Vancouver last year, the manager there told an acquaintence that their business plan relied on handling about a million feet of film a month. I imagine that is the same for many other labs. The manager said there was no serious money left in film support except in the archiving side.


    I'm curious to hear opinions on the declining lab situtation and what the balance would be. Even if Kodak continues to offer motion picture film products for another 5 years, will there be any labs left? Maybe LA or NY might get enough Hollywood money to keep going but would those labs be interested in doing mail order jobs that the smaller labs do? Or do you think that the last lab standing will be a small one outside of NY/LA?

  4. Niagara Custom Lab also does this, I've seen the results and its quite good:




    I've also seen 16mm that was filmed off a laptop computer screen with a Bolex that looked quite excellent considering the source material was grabbed off YouTube.


    NCL will do a short test for free as I would imagine other labs would. I'd suggest you submit a clip to as many labs as possible and try your own filming of a screen and decide for yourself what is right for the film.

  5. 50 years ago, the systems were set up to deal with B&W stock, not so these days.


    There are some articles floating around the net talking about the various problems Schindler's List had with projecting true B&W prints. And that was made about 20 years ago!


    If you are lucky to see a B&W print today it is just not the same as it was show in the 30s and 40s. Nitrate B&W film looks different from the B&W safety film that replaced it, and those classic films were made to work with old carbon arc projectors that IIRC are about 4400 degrees kelvin. Modern Xenon bulbs are 5500K.


    I also recall being told that there are issues for old 16mm prints that were optimized to work with incandescent bulbs for classroom projectors while other prints were made for small 16mm theatres whose projectors used Xenon bulbs.

  6. From the Criterion edition dvd booklet: "The material for La Jetee was created with a Pentax 24 x 36, and the only cinema part (the blinking of the eyes) with an Arriflex 35mm film camera, borrowed for one hour."


    That is all that is mentioned. I would guess that the finished film was assembled on an animation stand or optical printer.

  7. Up until the last 10 years or so almost every film of the past 50 years was recording on a Nagra with 1/4" tape. Most films in the 80s & 90s will likely have used a Nagra IV STC.


    Any professional sound mixer would have had an array of wireless, omni and shot gun microphones. A shotgun mic with blimp is the most commonly used but there are many occasions to use the other main types of mics.

  8. In my experience labs will do small tests for free as they will expect you to return with more work (the previously mentioned NCL did not charge me for my tests with some old VNF I was given). You should be able to work out a deal with a lab to sell you print stock put onto daylight spools and do the processing. It will have to be a lab that offers printing as the chemistry for prints is different from the negative process.

  9. I really like the look of this guys film but after 20-odd minutes of searching around online looking for somewhere hosting files I can download I give up.


    What do you mean? Nearly all of his films are available to view as a Quicktime file on his website. Which after loading you can click 'save as' if you really need a private copy.


    How much more accessible do you need it to be? Why don't you e-mail him and say you like his work and would like to buy a DVD instead of whining that you can't steal his work instantly on the Pirate Bay.

  10. You might want to try contacting John Price: http://www.filmdiary.org/


    He makes experimental films and is a master at using non-camera stocks, hand processing and optical printing. He's got quite a bit of 35mm work (though much of it originates on 16mm or Super 8). Many of his films are on his website available to watch. He lists what stocks he used for each film at each stage of the film.


    Provided you have enough light, you can get an image from any lab stock used in camera. However don't expect anything like a 'normal' look.

  11. If you're going to spend $3K+ on a camera then at least look at a tripod that is in the $300-$500 range but a $1000+ will get you a lot more. A $92 tripod is not going to cut it for professional use. If you get a quality piece of gear your tripod will outlast the life of your digital camera and could be used for 10+ years if treated well.


    You have to choose a tripod that is appropriate for the weight of your camera and the type of work that you want to do with it. If you want to just lock off wide angle shots then a cheaper one might be ok but if you want fluid camera moves, and rock steady close ups and macro shots then you really need to look at better gear. You need to consider the weight and material of your equipment as well. If you move your gear in a car then a heavy tripod is not that big a deal but if you're shooting a film on mountain goats then you might want lighter gear to carry.


    Manfrotto 501HDV PRO's are pretty good and popular for price/performance for prosumer cameras. I personally like the Sachtler FSB series more.

  12. Since this problem is not consistent throughout your film its not likely to be a transfer problem. I'd be suspicious of those fluorescent lights. If your motor is off slightly that could also be a problem. Have you seen any other film shot recently with this camera package?


    You said it affected 2/3rds of your footage, is there anything common about that footage? Different film stock from the good shots? Is the strobe only in scenes shot at this location? Is the problem footage coming out of certain magazines? Was the bad film shot later in day (maybe the batteries were weak)?


    If this was my project I'd just embrace the problem and take a more experimental/arty approach to the material. Desaturate, pump the contrast and grain, add some abstract music/sound design, and then declare the strobe as a 'look'.

  13. I shot a wedding last summer for a friend with a modded 1014XL-S. It was out of town and he said he'd provide a 1014 camera and was surprised it was one of those Pro8 jobs. The footage has an inconsistent scratch in the widened gate. Maybe 50% of the footage has it. As I was unfamiliar/unprepared to work with this camera I found the frame lines in the gate to be confusing because I was unsure whether the viewfinder was showing the information in the widened gate.


    I suppose if they do take apart the camera and give it a much needed tune up as part of the mod then it might be worth it. But the gate scratching is pretty unacceptable for a professional facility that can easily do a scratch test in house. Personally, I'd rather shoot full frame and crop in post at the time of transfer if needed for the project, or invest in an anamorphic setup.


    Yes you can still project your films in 4x3, you'd have to also widen the projector gate to show that widened film image.

  14. A camera original should be emulsion out, just as it went through the camera.

    Rewind it.


    Exactly. Camera stock is B-wind (emulsion out) so with reversal film you project the original camera stock as B-wind. Now if you had a print struck you would get it as A-wind (emulsion in) because you go emulsion to emulsion in a contact printer.


    As for the OP's other questions. You can pretty much manipulate the image anyway you want if you had a digital transfer made.


    If you want a film print for your art show you could use an optical printer to get the film blown up to 16mm. And depending on how you load the film and the capabilities of the model of printer you use, you can flip, flop and rotate the film image. If you are editing your original film you may want to get it blown up to 16mm for presentation/preservation reasons if you think your work might have a life outside of the particular show you are doing it for.

  15. Give up on the idea of perfection, give up on digital sheen and fancy optical effects. Get some Tri-X film. Pick a subject and roll film. Don't worry about getting scratches on the film, if you want to keep your film pristine then keep it in box on your shelf and don't look at it. Film will inherently scratch and collect dust. If you don't like this idea then go collect action figures and keep them in their packages, in a protective plastic box inside a glass display case.


    Cut your shots out of the large reel and tape them to the wall. Label with tape what the shot is. Tape them to the wall in the order you want the film to be. Then splice your shots in order and project the film. Make some trims and then you're done!


    This was cut on Super 8 film and blown up to 16mm, check this out for the scratches & splices galore:


    This is a great adaptation of The Tell Tale Heart that he also cut on Super 8 and had very little experience:

  16. If you shot 100D without a filter key installed then you will not get a properly exposed image in these early Nikon cameras.


    I used to own the Nikon Super Zoom 8 which was the predecessor to the 8X. That camera was very similar to the 8X so my advice is based on that camera. These Nikons are amongst the earliest Super 8 cameras so they work a little differently that a typical 1970s super 8 camera.


    The manual for Super Zoom stated you had to insert the filter key to have the internal 85 removed. At the time it was assumed a typical 1960s shooter was using tungsten film (that was all that was available) and it was assumed most Super 8 shooting was in a daylight situation so be default the 85 filter was in place. Therefore to use 100D with this camera you have to shoot with the filter key in otherwise you will have an 85 filter in front of it which will ruin your film. The 85 will absorb light which will cause underexposure & orange cast.


    Do you have fresh batteries for the light meter? That could also cause exposure problems. The Super Zoom 8 required separate batteries for the light meter which I think the 8X also needs. These batteries are no longer made but you can use Wein Cell PX625 replacement batteries. Buy a bunch and don't store the camera with these batteries installed as it was my experience the batteries were exhausted fairly quickly.

  17. When you've rolled out in mid-shot you can also mark "roll out save tail" or just "save tail", the lab will always trim a few feet for their protection in the case of scratched negative but identifying a roll out will make their trim more conservative. In a perfect world you should try to save a couple feet at the end of the roll to protect your image.


    Also "clean & prep" for getting your film cleaned and prepped for telecine or "process & print" if you want a traditional workprint.

  18. thanks a lot everyone. that's what I figure you need a faster film for indoor, but i'm just going to do it anyway and color correct it if I need to. :)


    The built in 85 filter will absorb light so you will lose speed and get a very orange cast to the film. Take an old credit card or other piece of plastic and cut your own filter key. If you are transfering to video then shooting daylight film under tungsten is practical. Just shoot a colour chart or just a sheet of white paper as the first thing you shoot so you can take the guess work out of adjusting your colour settings in your editor. Same advice goes for shooting Vision 200T under daylight conditions with no 85 filter.


    When shooting B&W the 85 filter will act like an orange filter which can often be a good thing.

  19. The 400ft lengths are attractively priced but having to do wind down my own daylight spools seems counter productive for anyone interested in doing some tests and not everyone is fortunate enough to have easy accessing to daylight spools. Since the 400ft loads don't add 10ft for loading then I'd guess the 100ft loads are also similarly short which makes them even more of a bad deal.


    Too bad, I'd like to try these out but it seems like a glass half full/empty situation. If you were doing a serious project with a large amount of film you'd be seriously short changed in your total film stock compared to Kodak (who also will offer discounts to students/co-ops).

  20. Of course, It would be very tempting to bump up to 35mm for the conversion, and then bump down, if only to avoid a build up of grain and such in 16mm.


    Or I suppose you could use one of the remaining camera stocks, (7222 or 7266 X-Processed), to create a B&W positive in a more DIY situation. But just how would the orange mask work in this situation? Would it add contrast similar to an orange filter on a camera? Or can it be just compensated for in the printer lights?

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