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Andrew Bowen

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Posts posted by Andrew Bowen

  1. Just watched Punched Drunk Love . Does anybody know the story behind "Mattress Man Commerical?" Sure looks real and surprised Phillip Hoffman didn't bust his head apart. Guess maybe the guitar broke the fall between his face and asphalt.


    What makes it seem a little fake is that only four people ran to his aid and they looked like the four greaseballs who work for his character.


    If that fall was for real then it's probably the funniest thing I've seen this week. (Because he got up and walked it off.)


    It's a direct spoof of something that actually happened. It looks pretty much the exact same as it did in PDL.

  2. To get right into it, I suppose. Not bore you with the excess post, no?


    I've been looking around trying to find a high school summer program (I'm 17, turning 18) that will allow me to get my hands on 16mm cameras. I've been reading books for quite some time about different technical aspects of film (what is the difference between a 25 and 50mm lens? What is a film gate? etc.) but feel that some sort of hands-on structured environment is what I need at this point. So I have checked out a lot of programs:


    NYFA (too expensive)

    SOCAPA (is this any good? From what I could tell it wouldn't be worth it)

    NYU Tisch (not enough resumé style experience)

    North Carolina (Does this shoot to film or digital? Very confusing)

    ITRP (Only 8 days of actual film lessons)


    There are a lot of programs that I heard are good, and I should check out. Northwestern, Duke, even Yale. But I find it nearly impossible to get information out of them. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding a summer program/camp good for those book-knowledgeable but not hands-on knowledgeable that would allow me to shoot to film?


    Thanks a million to anyone who even takes the time to read. It's been a rather long confusing road.

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