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Jed Shepherd

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Posts posted by Jed Shepherd

  1. Does the material warrant looking at something better in extreme low light? Why consider digital? Loved your work on Up in the Air by the way.


    Your post people will really appreciate the ProRes, if you go that direction. Arri got it right, with a pro camera, even if it is digital.

    Dont know if you were talking to me about the warrant looking at something in extreme low light. I was just curious to wether they had done that. Its just me wondering about the camera's, not really relevant to the movie.

  2. In NY prepping a new film called YOUNG ADULT, being directed by Jason Reitman. Charlize Theron starring.


    Going to be a quick 30 day shoot. Shot tests last week on 35, Alexa, and RED. Film always looks great but both digital cameras were impressive (RED was MX). I gotta say the Alexa has an edge in smoothness and is more flattering on an actress' skin.

    RED was recorded raw and Alexa went to ProRes 4444 in Log-C. I really can't see with my eye what more I'd be getting with ArriRaw and the hassle of recording uncompressed to an S.Two.


    Still deciding though it does seem to be leaning a certain direction.....


    Is the medium you shoot been left up to you completely or are higher up's pushing more towards one type specifically. (I have no experience in the industry so if that question sounds stupid forgive me) Did you do any high iso tests on the Alexa? Ive seen the mx at high iso looking pretty clean but nothing from the alexa.

  3. Im in the middle of working on a viral campaign for a specific brand and im looking for some help. I know this website is for cinematography and im DOP on the viral but we are looking to create a similar sound to that of the tv show 'LOST' when the scene changes from flash back to island. I can best describe it as a low scraping drone that gets higher. If anyone knows how to create something similar to this via synth or by recording a specific noise then changing it, I would very much appreciate it.


  4. Hey everyone.


    Im making a short film next week and have the ability to shoot with a pd170. Im shooting at day time and have a fair idea about the techinical side of the camera. The main thing i want to know is what works best for this camera? What techniques and tricks have you found that make the image awesome? Im really wanting the image to be the best it can so post work can be carried out and enhance the image even more.(Only in terms of colour correction etc)

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