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Posts posted by amarogp

  1. Hello!


    I am looking for an easy to setup camera suspended cable system that could work together with a Rollvision/Coptervision Remote Head (http://www.innovision-optics.com/prod/rollvision.shtml). Most of these systems already include a Remote Head, and are very expensive. Ive checked some productos online such as the Skycam, Spidercam, different Cablecam, but they are out of our budget. Im looking for a single cable system, and the camera I will be using would be a RED ONE.


    Any ideas or suggestions?


    Thank you,


    HD technician

  2. Hi,


    I will be shooting with a CANON EOS 5D MARK II in a few weeks time. It isnt prepared to shoot properly, but it will be an academic short-movie and this camera is far better than any other video cameras from my school, even though is designed for still-photography.


    It shoots 1080p at 30fps. I still do not get why CANON did not design it to shoot at 25fps, for Europe's PAL. Anyway, As I am in France, I would need to convert the 30fps to 25fps. Does anybody know what would be the best way of doing so without losing any qualities?



  3. Hi,


    Going back to the over-exposure issue, I have talked to the lab and they told me that "they gave the wrong values to the telecine and thats why it looks over-exposed". I am going to the LAB on monday to try and process the telecine properly. I will also bring a few meters of unexposed stock to verify the gamma curve and therefore double-check the dynamic range of the film.



    Thank you all


  4. If you expose normally and then push one stop your film will be over-exposed by one stop, one stop under will be normal and 1 stop over will be two stops over.


    As John says the result on the screen will depend on how the rush print was graded; best light, graded to grayscale or a standard light. If you wanted to compare the various settings you should really have each scene graded.




    Yes but, we gave instructions to the lab to grade to grayscale only in the first shot. Therefore this first shot wich is light correctly at a normal expsure it shoud be fine, not over-exposed right?


    Of course if we expose normally and then we push one stop, the result will be OE, but the first shots of the 2 tests we sent (One to be pushed and the other one to be developed normally) are definetely over-exposed... It must have been the lab!!! I have no other explanation to this.... We might have to stick to their development process, so shoot everything 2 stops under, or check again and discover if they misunderstood....

    (Teses french labs..... :)


    Thank you all!

  5. Hi,


    The DP and myself (1AC) have shot a few tests of 7231 16mm BW kodak film and we did not get what we expected... We shot the test with an aaton LTR, with a 12mm lens. We light the set to a f4 and shot at a correct exposure (f4), then we closed one stop to a f5.6 and finally we closed 2 stops to a f8.

    We gave instructions to the lab to push the negative one stop, and definetly the most suitable look is a more grainy and contrasted image in between one and two stops under. At f5.6 (pushed one stop) is clearly over-exposed! That was weird already!


    BUT, we also shot 3 shots UNDER-EX to 2 shots OVER-EX to see the latitude results and we were very confused when, at the projecting room, we realized that the image at a normal exposure was one to two shots over-exposed!! It was the same with the previous case as well!And we made sure in class, with 2 lightmeters, 80ASA with HMI's etc etc etc that everything went well. What could be the case? Was it the LAB?



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