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Elliot Lamb

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Posts posted by Elliot Lamb

  1. That's funny Greg! Coming from someone who's last three posts were about Lattes > Roast beef, "Caravaggio, Goya, etc." (on the subject of inspirational painters) and an Uncle who's the CEO of "a paint company". Now who's arty! ha ha ha.




    so <_< to you too.

  2. Elliot think you ought to look back a bit more than the ones you have quoted you just dont know what you are missing !!!


    You're right John, but I am slowly working my way through the ages...Backwards.

    I'm a fan of what Alfred Hitchcock and Akira Kurosawa I've seen too.


    Top 5 before 1980 you ask?


    5: Rashomon - Akira Kurosawa (1950)

    4: Dog Day Afternoon - Sidney Lumet (1975)

    3: Eraserhead - David Lynch (1977)

    2: North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)

    1: Torn Curtain - Alfred Hitchcock (1966)


    Urr yeah something along those lines.

    But I agree I'm missing out, so far I've only been through the bigger names.

  3. Well seeing as I recently compiled my top 10, I guess maybe I could cut it down...


    Here we go...


    5: The Big Lebowski - Coen Brothers (1998)

    4: Ghost World - Terry Zwigoff (2001)

    3: He Died with a Felafel in his Hand - Richard Lowenstein (2001)

    2: Down By Law - Jim Jarmusch (1986)

    1: Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson (2001)


    ...But we all know that's not enough!

    The only solid slots in there are the top two and depending what day of the week it is the other three could change! (The other three candidates are Spirited Away - Hayao Miyazaki (2001), Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino (1994) and Rushmore - Wes Anderson (1998).


    Wow! I never realised how many movies I love from '01.

    Basically nearly all of Jarmusch, Wes Anderson, Tarantino, David Lynch and Studio Ghibli, they are all quite good with me.


    Oh 'hi!', by the way.


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