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Clair Popkin

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Posts posted by Clair Popkin

  1. Those lenses tend to breathe quite a bit, I would set it to hyperfocal distance and not pull if you can avoid it-

    Otherwise, wrap chart tape on the lens and use a fine tip pen or pencil for your marks, you can get a bit more precise, I use this technique for car commercials and long lens shots a lot.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Hey I was wondering what settings/techniques you all use to reduce the noise in the blacks and dark areas, I seem to always have noise/grain even with out any gain, I have been playing around with the master ped and seeing what happens lately to try and change it- Any tips or techniques would be appreciated- Thanks!

  3. hey guys, first time pulling focus on a camera like this, two questions I was hoping you could help me with, what do I make my marks to hit? chalk on outside of lens or something of that nature- totally rookie question I know, one other this is do I measure to the end of the lens with this camera or is there a different spot to measure to? Thanks so much guys!

  4. I think it looks really great I would love to know what settings you used to get this, I like the diffusion in some of the frames its more soft and film looking. I also would like to know about the red balloon! What settings were those?

    Thank & Great job!





    I love your video. I can't believe how clean the blacks are from that camera!!!


    Your imagery is great, your camera work is beautiful.


    You shoot like an artistic still photographer.... you have the image composition tell the story rather than the motion.... very nicely done.

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