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Stu McOmie

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Posts posted by Stu McOmie

  1. The still you show is from '54, so I'm guessing would be Process 4? The blue strip was different to the Red and Green, it used an orthochromatic process. This meant is was only sensitive to certain wavelengths, whereas the other two strips relied on filters. I'm assuming that the panchromatic film reacted differently to the wavelength peaks of the lighting? Can anyone who knows confirm/deny this?

  2. Hi,


    I'd like to know if anybody has recommendations for lenses for the Canon EOS 7D, specifically for shooting video. (bearing in mind that it's APS-C size, not full frame)


    I'd like an affordable general purpose zoom lens, and a standard lens (35mm? 50mm?) as fast as I can afford for around £150 (ish) for shooting in low light.


    Basically, I'm going to buy a 7D and I want a better zoom than the kit lens, in addition to a fast prime.


    Thanks :)

  3. you'll get the same DoF on a nikon 24mm as a non nikon 24mm, or 50 or whatever. That being said, it'll be hard to find and lenses (nikon) wide enough for a good wide angle 16mm lens. the "normal" lens on 16mm for me is 'round a 16/25mm lens and the widest (affordable) nikon lenses I've seen are 'round 24mm. I have a 9.5mm for my SR3 and I've never seen anything nearly as wide in a nikon mount. Also, stills lenses aren't really mechanically made for film use (focal breathing and the throw of the focus ring being two major issues to keep in mind). All things being equal, I'd look for longer nikon lenses (50mm+) and normal/wide c mount lenses for the bolex.


    Thanks for the reply.


    I've already got a selection of c mount lenses, a 10mm, 25mm & 75mm I think, plus I have access to a few more if needed. This is more of an experiment really.


    How much of a problem is focal breathing? Is there a way around it... also will I need to adjust the focal length somehow (by manufacturing a washer or otherwise) for the bolex? I've heard the prism makes it hard to get it right.


    The throw of the ring is a problem, especially with a small viewfinder, but I'll try and find a way around it. I won't be pulling focus, so that isn't so much of an issue.

  4. I've got a Nikon to c mount adapter, and I'd like to use a couple of Nikon fit lenses with my H16 Reflex.


    Does anyone have any suggestions for a versatile (but affordable) lens? I'm looking for something that'll allow me to get decent depth of field as well as some medium wide shots.


    I've also heard that going below a certain aperture causes problems?



  5. Do not attempt to shoot 2000ft of 16 for an HD finish for £1000 in the UK - you'll be cutting so many corners you won't end up with a good result anyway. You will honestly get better results from renting a good HD video camera (you could take an F900 out for that money quite happily).


    You will almost certainly do better sending the neg to the US. If you're going to spend more than about three hours in the suite you'll actually save money flying to New York to do it (yes, seriously), though this won't apply to you. Don't get me wrong, you can get work done at the very highest levels in London but it will cost you dearly.


    Processing will be cheaper in the US too, and I would be fairly comfortable with the assumption that even customs aren't dumb enough to open a package marked "exposed high speed film - light sensitive - do not open or X-ray".




    Well, the whole project is about learning to shoot on film, so if I use digital there's no point to doing it in the first place... I've plenty of experience with using various flavours of HD cameras, and I'm sick of them!! I don't think I'll be cutting many corners - the only real limitation is how much I can afford to spend on the stock/process/scan - I've got the use of an Arriflex, lighting + sound gear, proper post facilites.... etc, so preparing the footage is pretty much my only area of expense.


    I could fly to the US, would cost around £250 I guess to get to NY and back - and I do have a bit more money in the budget now. :P


    I'm pretty confident I can afford it if I can get it done for under £500... I guess I'll just have to go round all the post houses in London and see what they can offer. SD>offline>EDL>DI>online does make a lot of sense, and yeah it would be tricky to do it posting stuff off to the US.

  6. Thanks for the replies.


    Yeah, a flat scan to dpx is what I'd like... I'm going to firstly telecine it in SD (I've got free use of a Marconi and Bosch) and do an EDL, so that should help somewhat. I'm fine with having to do careful correction in post later, that's okay.


    I'm not too sure about sending my film to the US though, unless it'll be sizeably cheaper - how safe would it be, I mean would customs open the package and totally bugger it all?


    I hadn't factored in EDL into thinking about costs before.... I can easily do that on the Marconi (it's got a funky memory system thingy), and even edit down the film physically, so I only send what needs to be scanned. Do modern machines handle film with edits (tape, not cement obviously)


    That way I could send, for example just one 800ft or 1000ft reel, and at $0.50/ft, I could afford it...



  7. Hi,


    I'm hoping to shoot 16mm within the next 6 months, for digital intermediate. I've got access to a camera and SD telecine, but ideally I'd like a 2k scan.


    The problem is I'm a student and most if not all of my money will be going on stock and processing in addition to lights and the like. I've only got about £1000 to spend on the whole production.


    I'll probably be shooting 2000 - 2500 ft (funds permitting)


    Does anybody know of somewhere that'll do reasonably cheap (or free after hours??) for students?


    I may be able to work out some kind of trade of equipment usage or something in exchange...



    Thanks in advance!!



  8. Studying Film and Video at the moment, I see that in my fellow student's work (and mine) all the time... I think it boils down to a few things. Firstly inexperience - most haven't been in a production environment before, or know how the production of films should be arranged - this means they're constructing their films as they would an essay, planning briefly the content and then executing the production in a linear fashion.

    Secondly, they're in effect reconstructing scenes from films they've learnt about or been influenced by, without everything you can't see that went into those films in the first place. Lastly, there's a lack of natural talent, and I mean in the industry in general... due to it's size, mainly... There are thousands of rubbish film-makers, just as there are bands, artists, authors and actors ;)

  9. Hi


    I'm looking to build/purchase a 35mm adapter to fit a Sony HVRZ1E (I know it's really for ENG, but it's the best I've got access to :P)


    A few questions:


    1) Can anyone link me to a guide to building one for a Z1, or one you think is most appropriate?

    2) Has anyone here made one to fit a Z1, and how successful was it?

    3) Any suggestions on the best type of lens fitting to adapt to (thinking in terms of value/range)


    I've got access to Canon and Sony DSLR lenses, but I'd really like to get one of my own...



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