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Tonis Liivamagi

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Posts posted by Tonis Liivamagi

  1. As most of you probably know Vincent shot his short movie Reverie with Vistavision sensor sized Canon 5D MK II and now he in conjunction with Canon published the raw, straight from the camera footage that was shot with ISO 1600!! So it doesn't require additional lightning Check it out and read his comments.

    Feel free to request Canon to implement 24/25 fps to this game changing camera in Vincent's blog entry.


    See the short film here: http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?ac...;articleID=2086





  2. There are 5500K (mid daylight white balance) balanced E27 fluos out there that consume 85W and will output about 300W equivalent of tungsten. Do not use anything with higher Kelvin count as those will turn blueish when compared to real daylight.

    And then there's the Powerup adapter that lets you screw 4x E27 fixtures into one E27 socket giving you 1200W worth of light on a single practical light bulb socket consuming 4x85W with a heat output of 100W tungsten.

    Really cool stuff - say goodbye to yellowish practicals in the bluewindowed room - I mean you will be able to use daylight white balance indoors when there's daylight outside - no more blue windows in the scene.

    The light from the those bulbs is more diffused too.

    Beware, I'm talking as a digital guy here and I don' t know how all those lamps work in real film environment.


    Maybe that helps,


  3. Canon XH A1 for portability and really long and kind of wide lens - from 30mm to 600mm

    Easy to transport too. Underwater housings available for less than for removable lens cams.

    I've shot with it in -20 Celsius for four hours and the internal battery sustained the weather.

    I've shot with it from the Christmas 2006 and the HDV short GOP codec has fallen apart for only one time, and I've tried many ways of breaking it up, much much better than Sony HDV long GOP.


    Those A1s are available for cheap so don't worry too much.

    Else you would desire the XDCAM EX1 fom Sony but it is about three times the price once you've set with all the high capacity recording media and so on.




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