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Martin Solvang

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Everything posted by Martin Solvang

  1. Hey. I shoot a short last fall on B&W, plus x (rated at 64iso), where I lit some faces with UV-light. My experience was that the UV-fluorescents I had was to weak, thus a CU was my only option. I did tests on analouge stills to figure out how to expose. My light meter gave me strange readings and I felt I couldn´t trust them. Also when I tried to test the lights with a digital camera, the UV-filter on the sensor took all of the light away. Another thing I did was to compare the wavelenghts of the source (the information should be somewhere on the WWW..) and the sensitivity of the film I Nanometers.. On set, my production designer had some UV paint at hand and I used that to enhance the effect in certain parts of the frame. Good luck.
  2. Hey.. I live and work in Norway, and we do most of our stuff in 25 fps. Shooting with HMI in 60 hz is no prob. Shooting 50 fps without switching on flicker free is dangerous ..(worked on a commercial in my early days as a gaffer..and learned the hard way..) still...let us know..
  3. Hey, Thought about doing stills as test, hope I get the chance, my problem is that the delivery on black lights in this hilbily-country takes for ever and I might not get them in time.. My calculations predict minimal effect on plus x, but as an eye light or something.. I had hopes for them as a sort of torch, but it might be I´ll have to fake it..
  4. I´m acctually using it as a practical in a really dark scene. There will be some ambience in the room, but the caracter will have to use it as a lamp as he explores the insides of a mysterious robot.. When the time comes, I´ll upload a pic from set.. Martin
  5. Seems I´m going to be the expert on this within a few weeks, going into production in one week, don´t have time to test, but I´ll be sure to let you know when I get the material developed. M
  6. Hey, I´m shooting a film in a couple of weeks in kodak plus-x 16mm (64ASA). As an effect light I really want to try using black light (UV light), but based on everything I´ve read I´m just more confused now then when I started checking this out.. I don´t really know how to measure the light, mainly because the film is more sensitive to blue, and because I have to previsualize how the light effects white (and other colors) in B&W.. The other thing is that i only have four fluoresent tubes with this light, 2x36w and 2x28w.. Will this be enough for exposure, or at least a touch up to my lighting..?
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