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Nolan M Berbano

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Posts posted by Nolan M Berbano

  1. If you don't have a frontbox then the sharkfin technique works for me whenever I need to be on the move and am carrying other things. Open up your sticks and just hook it to your belt. Works great for regular slates but I wouldn't try it with a smart slate.

  2. Flavio,

    I'm looking to sell my Bolex Rx-5 package soon. It is a regular 16mm camera but is in really good condition and recently serviced. I'll be posting it on the board soon if you would like to look at it. Best of luck with your film endeavor though and I hope you have some fun with it :)

  3. This is a digital short that I did the cinematography for, it is also the first "serious" project that I've done outside of school. A friend of mine wrote and directed it so I'd be glad to pass along criticisms and comments as far as that goes but I'm really looking for comments on the cinematography. Everyone I've shown it to seems like they hold back when I ask them what they thought so please be as brutally honest as possible. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you all :)



  4. Hey Matt, what were you doing on Wayward? I'm trying to put a face to the name. That is Logan, I'll be seeing him for about 2 weeks here at the end of the month so I'll tell him hi for you.

    I was the 2nd AC for most of the shoot and I think we only worked together during the motel scenes. You also gave me that piece of rope to tie down my busted spoiler. Much appreciated by the way, I was going to give it back to you but I never saw you for the rest of the shoot days.

  5. All I see is the camera shutter. I think I'm just going to stick with the M-5 for now and load it up with some film to test it out. Another question arises though... the 400' magazine that came with it only has one film core adapter on it. I'm pretty sure it needs two doesn't it? Anyone know where I can purchase one of these? Any help is appreciated.

  6. Hi Matt,

    I think that was one of the bolex auctions I was 'watching'. I noted that it wasn't a reflex camera at the time. If it has the lable 'Bolex H16 M', then it probably is an M-5 (since it has the 400' shoe). Best way to tell will be by checking the serial number against the bolex collector list: bolex collector

    It is probably the case that the front single c-mount plate was changed at some point for a turreted front. Does the camera have a filter slot by the way? It would seem that the M bolexes didn't.

    Best thing would probably be to get a lens with viewfinder and leave it at that.



    Yeah the camera came with a Pan Cinor zoom lens with the dogleg viewfinder and also a Bolex Octameter. I'm beginning to think that the camera was just changed to the turret front as you said but the serial number on the bottom plate is 258335 and the serial numbers don't go that high for the M-5's on the bolexcollector site. No filter slot as well. I'm thinking about returning the camera and going back to the eBay hunt unless someone wants to purchase the camera here for at least $600. Oh well...

  7. I just bought what I thought to be a Bolex Rex-5 off of eBay. I received it today and the body reads "Bolex H16 M." Now I've done my research and I'm pretty sure it isn't a H16 M. First off, it has the three lens turret. And secondly, it accepts 400' magazines. It doesn't have a turret lock though which I believed to be a feature of the Rex-5. Also, there was no viewfinder mounted on the top of the camera. It came with an Octometer but shouldn't there be a viewfinder on the top? Any help is appreciated.

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