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Robin Eriksson

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Posts posted by Robin Eriksson

  1. I´m thinking about shooting my next movie on 16mm which will be my first time shooting with film. Before that i have used HD cameras and 35-adapter.


    As always it´s a money issue but I will just try to get as much money as possible and see if it will be enough.


    Now, some questions. My school has a 16mm camera but it´s from the 70´s so unfortunately it can´t shoot super16, but what´s exactly the difference? I know using a bigger part of the frame means I get better resolution. I also heard that i can film longer. A regular 16mm stock can film 10min, right? How long can I shoot with super16? Does the depth of field change in any way?

    The reason why I´m asking about super 16 is that I might be able to lend one. Do I need some special kind of film for super 16 by the way?


    Overall, what is there to think about shooting with film for the first time? what´s the biggest difference from digital?


    Lots of questions but I´m a curious guy when it comes to this so I hope anyone can help me.


    /Robin Eriksson

  2. I´m gonna shoot one particular scene in a movie that´s planned to be in super slow motion. (It´s a tennis player hitting the ball). I´m using a Panasonic HVX 200 and it can just shoot in 50f/s. I wonder if anybody know if their is a similar camera like the HVX 200 out there that can shoot in higher frame rates? I would prefer around 150 but I think 100 would do.


    I´m using a 35-adapter by the way so it would be good if i could attach that on the camera.




    Robin Eriksson

  3. Im currently in film school and often when we see a modern black and white movie in our class people go crazy and say stuff like "why the hell is it in black and white?" "Do they think its arty?" and stuff like that. I really like black and white for some occasions and as I use a digital camera the noise in the shadows looks better in black and white. Not saying that I want to use it all the time but every now and then I think its better than in color, but is that reason enough?


    Please share your thoughts.

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