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Syrous Nabatian

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Posts posted by Syrous Nabatian

  1. That's "foe," by the way...


    Actually except for a bunch of bad noise on this and other boards from the little-kids table there had been surprisingly little relevant information regarding DALSA from anyone in charge. That is, until yesterday's announcement from the third quarter financial statement. In case you skipped it, please refer to this sentence:


    "The results of operations and financial position of DALSA?s Digital Cinema business unit have been segregated and presented separately as discontinued operations in the Company?s unaudited consolidated interim financial statements for the third quarter."


    If anyone is still having trouble understanding just what is meant by "discontinued operations" some clarification exists on the DALSA financial conference call which can be listened to in its entirety here:




    where you will hear from those individuals who actually sign the checks.


    On another note, while I have a great deal of respect for Arriflex (and DALSA's sensor design and manufacturing capabilities) it is important to be realistic regarding the technical and engineering challenges inherent in merging a DALSA sensor into an Arri camera system. One does not just pry a CCD out of an Origin, solder it into a D21 and 'what-hey-presto' out pops a D22. Just creating a technical requirements document for such an endeavor will take a few months.


    By the way, Keith, respectfully I think I can be the one to say: "I TOLD YOU SO." I certainly have stacks of blustery legal paperwork to back up that claim.


    Alan Lasky



    First of all i really don't need your correction(s), but thanks anyways!

    It seem to me you are still bitter about the past which i find hilarious....


    Good luck to you :huh:

  2. Hi Syrous,


    Any chance of Dalsa making it across the pond? Would love to shoot a short on it, but think it might be quite expensive to recreate dirty London locations in LA! Also do you have any plans for anamorphic options with the evolution?


    thanks for getting involved with the forum,


    all the best,





    We already are across the Pond. Our local affiliate in UK is Movie tech. They currently have a full origin package at their facility in London.


    Here is the contacts name;


    David Palmer

    +44 (0) 1753 650007-T

    +44 (0) 1753 650006_F




    Hope this helps!


    BTW - just tell them i sent you they will take care of you. :lol:



  3. Syrous, glad to have you on the forum. Didn't know who would be stepping in to communicate to the community with Illya off helping with the baby.


    Dear Mitch,


    I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.







  4. I'll take you up on that!


    Tell Ilya I said hi.






    Good to see you pop out on the grid and yes i will definitely say hello to Illya. You know Illya is a DAD now?


    So i think a congrats is in order..............



    S- :D

  5. Are you, perchance, planning to be at the DV Expo next month?



    So far i could say "Yes" but my day has tendency of imploding sometimes, but defiantly are planing to be there.



    See you at DV Expo




  6. Dear valued forum members,


    Let me begin by introducing myself;


    My name is Syrous Nabatian and here at DALSA I hold the title of " Manager of Production Operations/Camera Department", I know, it's a mouthful,lol.


    Now that the UN-pleasantries are out of the way lets start with answers to some of the questions you had:


    The good news is we do have production grade Evolution cameras in house, the bad news is they are booked and some are on projects as we speak.

    Not to worry my fellow film makers and camera enthusiasts, I do have a couple of Beta units available in house for you to play with.


    Also on the news front, in addition to Codex recording units we now offer S2 recorders; which is a flexible as well as compact option!


    We also conduct classes and training twice a month, for those that are interested please go to our website and register; you might even win a prize ;) .


    Since this is my first post on this forum I'm going to extend my personal "special offer" to the first five email responses to the post!


    Now the offer;


    If you qualify you get to shoot your own 5 minute short with the Evolution camera (based upon camera availability). That means we will walk you trough the DE-bayering process, show you how to render your material and show you a cost effective solution to capture and use 4k Raw.

    You will meet DALSA digital Executive team over lunch and have a couple of laughs in the process.

    You will receive some goodies at the end of the day from our Marketing Department.

    You will also meet the Dalsa Technical staff in case you work on a project with the Evolution in the future, and we will run you through the "do's and don'ts" on the camera.


    For more details on the offer you can contact me via my email or simply pick up the phone and call me!

    I also would like to know what you think about posts like this?


    Do you find it useful?


    Do you find it helpful?


    Would you like to see more posts like this?


    Suggestions you might have?



    Let me know...


    My contact info is below, and yes please send email to my linked mail in this forum if possible. My corporate email has a tendency of blocking emails :( I want to make sure I pay close and personal attention to each and everyone's inquiry.


    Syrous Nabatian | Digital Cinema Division. | Manager Production Operations/Cam. Department

    * 6160 Variel Ave. | Woodland Hills,CA 91367| ( (818)884-7000 ext.4200| E-Mail: syrous.nabatian@dalsa.com :lol:

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