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Raphael Morris

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Posts posted by Raphael Morris

  1. He also has a sharp eye for chancers.


    If you can afford 35, you can afford 16 and pay the damned crew.


    Asking people to work for free, even if you call it volunteering or internship or collaboration or any of the other weasel words, is illegal in the UK.




    are you a cop or a dop? this isn't a job it's a project. The law for no unpaid work is there for a good reason and that's to stop companies taking advantage of people with false promises and the offer of 'work experience' when instead it's donkey work. I've worked for production companies for free and felt used because I got nothing back and I understand why that is pretty immoral. On the other hand I've worked on some 35mm student projects for free and gained a lot from it - if i'd asked to be paid all I would have heard is 'next'.


    The project is independent, it is low budget and it has huge potential. Any kind of 'payment' involves an exchange and combination of talent to make something that'll benefit everyone involved. Would a dedicated crew rather be paid a minimum wage for a week and have a result that looks like it was made for 3 pennies? Expenses and food already add up... A salary or at least deferred payment on a feature is more reasonable because at least a feature has a chance of making money. A good short functions as something to be proud of and a very effective business card to all those involved, that is all.


    Anyone wanting to be involved in a project they believe in and who have any kind of dedication to the medium will consider working without salary anyway - I know I would and do. If they are not willing to consider this at all then maybe they are not someone you should really work with.


    In any case I thank all those interested in the project.

  2. Hey all,


    I'm a film producer with a few projects lined up starting with a short 12 page film script due to start shooting in just over a month - i.e. early march.


    The film is called 'A Stolen Bike', it's a 35mm project about a couple of 17 year old kids. The film starts off at a naturalistic pace and then gradually moves on to a more reflective tone with a series of flashbacks and imaginary scenes.


    The main character Mike is from a lower middle class background but is friends with Rich who is from an upperclass background. The two meet up before they make plans to go to school.


    After the two characters meet up, the story gives way to an abrupt coming together of events and a plot twist at the end of the story.


    It is a naturalistic drama on comeuppance and the strains of friendship arising from differences in wealth.


    If interested in this project please email me at raphael.morris@gmail.com


    I am also interested in finding a gaffer, grip or focus puller so please email also if interested.



  3. Thanks for the advice guys,


    however I do want to shoot on 35mm and I do want to do it 2 perf (as long as it saves me money in the long run). To my way of thinking the film will market itself if it's good enough and there's always the option to pump more money into selling it as long as it's there done, looking good and entertaining to watch.


    Bruce's advice to chase up the swedish guy won't work for me as i'm from London, UK, but it sounds like a great idea if i could find someone into that kind of thing over here in the UK.


    I'm looking to rent a 2 perf camera with a decent set of lenses at max £1000 for a whole week.


    I can already get ten 400 ft fuji reels at a total of £1000, which along with a camera, would already probably have maxed out my 2k budget for this short!!


    Ideally I would wanna find a way to use the camera for free, which is a tough one to achieve but may be a possibility....

  4. Using short ends would obviously make things cheaper also, so will look into that...


    most people would say this is nuts but I honestly think it's possible without even having to have any real established contacts willing to 'help out' or resorting any serious cut backs... plus if the film gets into a festival it's a good selling point i.e. '35mm movie made for 2k' etc etc

  5. Thanks for the feedback everyone, really appreciate it.


    I think the figures are not as crazy as they sound. Not only that the film can potentially not only look professional, but stunning. Bold words I know but in terms of the short, filming it on 35mm, 2perf, dolby stereo for 2k is a tough one, but possible.


    Firstly getting 2100ft of film for around £800 is the cheapest i can find so far (got an trading account with a factory for celluloid), which, with 2perf, is more than enough but already almost half the budget.


    I might know some film student who can supply me with lighting equipment, sound equipment, some bits and bobs so that I don't have spend anything apart from on a decent DOP, a camera (thinking ARRIFLEX 235), expenses and food. Actors is not a problem (in contact with an agency that supply good actors trying to break in film ergo will do it for free), advertise on shootingpeople.org for free labour/help in exchange for experience/credits and finally shooting is mostly in one area on the street or indoors, or at a mate's flat :-)


    only one thing left.... post production, DI and copies. ahr

  6. Hello I'm new here so hi everyone!


    I'm planning to start a couple of self funded projects to start filming in the 1st and 2nd quarter 2009, and would very much like these to be done on 35mm. The shoe string budget is £2k for a short 12 minute film and £10k for the 90 minute feature. Is this possible? or preposterous? apparently the film 'Table 5' was a 90min, 35mm feature made for £278.38


    I imagine to achieve these kinds of expenses you have to buy equipment you need and sell it once the filming is finished, instead of just renting everything.


    It will be a 2 perf widescreen format, dolby stereo soundtrack, minimal location changes


    anyone heard of these kinds of figures? (sorry if this has been asked before)

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