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Dustin Lane

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Posts posted by Dustin Lane

  1. I own one of the Minolta IV's, it's been a great meter. I bought it used two years ago, and it now needs service. the +/- 2 stops calibration is no longer enough. Does anyone know where I can have the meter serviced? I'd hate to think it's beyond repair.

  2. Hello,

    I am preparing to shoot a short film, on the HVX200 w/ Letus adapter. The story is very simple, taking place mostly on and around a tractor that has died in a field. Any tips for manipulating/controlling light on a small budget? I read Christopher Probst's article on the ASC site about using reflectors that was very informative. The tractor sits facing slightly south west. I plan to use the sun as a key (with silk/diffusion where necessary depending on the intensity that day) and hoping to using shiny boards as rim lights for the Farmer and his son (the only two actors). Hoping to get a slightly golden afternoon feel. Thought about getting a small HMI for CUs but not sure if it's in the budget. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?



    This is the tractor in the field (Couldn't get it to embed)


  3. I hate to say that I fall into the category of young guy who wants to be a DP.

    I started working when I was 19 as a PA while going to college (not film school) two days a week. I have yet to finish my degree.

    My eagerness led me to intern at a camera rental house (while PAing on the side) and eventually found my way into working as a Loader.

    I now work as a 2nd AC, though being 23 I find myself to be low man on the totem pole. I pride myself on how I've been able to work my way up with a good mixture of know-how, eagerness to learn, and a positive attitude. I also shoot low or no-budget projects in my off time (which is frequent). Thankfully my work as a 2nd affords me to shoot lots of projects, and stills upon stills (film).


    I have had to prove myself in the past as not another "young hot-shot wannabe" but rather someone who has a respect for the system. And while my dream is to be a cinematographer, whether I get there miraculously by way of my work falling into the right hands, or by working up the ladder as I have started to do, I feel like my dedication to learning the craft in all facets will help to prove my belonging in the position.

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