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Lars Fuchs

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Posts posted by Lars Fuchs

  1. To answer the OP's question, what would I pay? I think I'd pay over $2K.... if I could afford it (which I can't). To me, it'd be worth it. However, if the price were under $1500 or close to $1K, I think I would find a way to gather the funds.


    Kudos to your courage and ingenuity!

  2. Hi, I am very interesting in software-based resolving of pilot tone, which you describe. Could you mention any specific applications that can perform this function?

    Traditional resolvers are hardware based electromechanical devices that result in a sprocketed full coat magnetic track; computer-based software can provide an equivalent synchronized track
  3. The samples Nikon provides:



    I find the appearance pleasing, and for my purposes may serve well to film my projections. I've seen other DSLR's that can capture video at a high frame rate, but never thought of using one digitize. Hope I can develop a good workflow.


    In principle, this should work fine. You could check out moviestuff.com for some interesting setups. I don't think you'll have a CMOS rolling-shutter problem, since there is no movement during the exposure time. As I understand it the rolling shutter only causes problems when the subject moves (relative to the camera lens) while the shutter is open.


    It might be a bit overkill though. I'll have to check the numbers, but I suspect the resolution of the d90 dwarfs that of a super8 reversal stock.

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