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jordan kersten

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Everything posted by jordan kersten

  1. I agree, I loved Gladiator as well...I just thought KPAX, espically in the very first seen was shot very well...very clear. Anybody happen to know the stock he used?
  2. Don Burgess is ONE of my favorite cinematographers. Contact is a favorite of mine and I love just about everything he has done...as far as the photography goes. What do you guys think?
  3. Just saw Cold Mountain tonight. I thought the cinematography was great. Anyone else have any thoughts?
  4. I also love big fish...my favorite thing about tim burton is his imagination. I like the worlds and environments he creates in his films...Im anxious to see how Charlie and the Chocolate Factory turns out..although I think it would have been better if he had done a film on how Charlie is running the factory theses days... :lol:
  5. I got Fulji's demo DVD in the mail and the Reala 500D was by far my favorite (out of F-125, F-64D, F-500, F-250 and 250D, and F-400) The F-500 was my least favorite however, it could have been the particular demo on the DVD. I thought the Reala 500D was awesome...
  6. I liked the film visually. I really like John Mathieson's work in KPAX a lot better, but I enjoyed Phantom, kinda <_<
  7. Anyone have any thoughts on this one? I think it was a beautfuly shot film: Both the film stock and technique. Anyone else???
  8. I completly agree with Annie. Any chance to get my hands on a Panavision camera, meet people and be a part of something great is a chance I want to take! I just have to get somewhere where I can get started. I have NO experience at all with anything other than SLR's and still photography. Annie, what film school do you attend? Any thoughts on it? And to anyone out there, where do I go to get started??????
  9. Well guys, all your words are much appreciated. I think that I will follow my dream/heart and start the process to get into the film biz. Any words of advice and/or wisdom on gettin in there and getting the reels rolling? :lol:
  10. Frank, are you supporting a family as a cinematographer? If so, do you find it extremely difficult or is it somewhat typical: you know, not rich, not dirt poor. And Rob, Thanks for the links man! I am going to check thoes out right now and see if I can't get in on some productions. Thanks for all the advice again, guys. Please let me know how you guys are doin in life right now and what kind of up's and down's I can expect from the wonderful world of film. What were some problems as you all started out? How did you overcome them? It's a weird feeling: Being sooooo excited and yet soooo scared to do something you soooo love. I guess thats one of the reasons it sucks being artistic, huh? :rolleyes:
  11. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get onto some sets so I can at least see whats going on and maybe meet some people too? I am not at a real good place to do that now (I live in St. Louis, MO) but where should I go to get this thing started!? All your guy's help is sooooo much appreciated!
  12. I love Tim Burton! My two favorites are Edward Sissorshands and Big Fish. I also am a HUDGE Danny Elfman fan and Edward Sissorshands has a wonderful score.
  13. Thanks everyone for all your advice and sharing your experiences with me. Being in the fine arts my whole life, I have known for sometime that whatever I ended up doing, it would be the same situation: uncertainty. There are bassically three things that would make me happy in life: Being a cinematographer, a recording engineer or a film scorer. In all cases, the money is the same. So I have to say to myself, "Do I want to have a job I hate and get a hefty paycheck every week, or do one of the three things I love and figure out a way to live?" And my answer is definatly do something I love to do. And out of the three things that would make me happy, cinematography is the one I feel I have the best feel for. I dunno...sometimes it sucks being artistic, doesnt it?? :) Hey Phil, can I ask why you became involved in cinematography/film. And do you regret it now?
  14. Thank you guys so much for your information! I feel a little more aware of what it takes now. I've been a piano player since I was 9 years old (so I know what it's like to have a life with art) and I have been pretending my eyes were cameras as my mom drove me arond since even before that. I do shoot alot of pictures. I actually have 3 SLR's. Thanks again for all your help guys...I just joined cinematography.com last night and I LOVE IT!!! P.S. What do you mean "Oh, Dear" to a 19 year old cinematographer wanna-be? <_<
  15. I am a 19 years old and I want to become a Cinematographer. I was wondering if any DP's out there can share with me what it's like to make a living as a Cinematographer. Is it very difficult to make a decent living? I really want to be a Cinematographer but I have lived in a house where money is tight so I know I don't want to be unable to support my wife and kids. How are you guys doin with it?? Thanks!
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