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Jarkko Virtanen

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Posts posted by Jarkko Virtanen

  1. Hi,


    i just hate to read about all the technical details from the internet written with small font.


    Could you tell me, what's the main difference between EX1 and EX3?


    I know I'm lazy but I'm kind of busy too...



  2. Ok thanks! I have to consider that.


    But you are also saying that using ISO 160 instead of 320 reduces the noise? Well that might be the option for ND filters for me then... i'm just starting a production and there's going to be a lot of bright sunny days outside...




  3. Hi!


    I have a friend who owns a RED and keeps saying that you can get more info to the over exposed part of the curve if you use ISO 500 instead of 320.


    Do you have any facts or experience about this?





  4. Hi!


    I'm living in Costa Rica for some time and would like to work here too. Does anyone know about future or on going productions in the are? (also Panama, Nigaragua and Honduras).


    I prefer DOPing, but could also work in other jobs in camera dept.

  5. 4-7 million is very small number. Why do studios feel the need to sacrifice film for digital? This is ridiculous. Digital is good for independent films, documentaries, commercials, music. Digital has no place in cinema.


    Have you seen any material shot with Sony F23 and after that printed on film?


    Before I use to think like that too. After I saw this test in comparison with 35mm, I strongly believe there's a place.


    ...I'm not saying this camera is good in any other way than the quality of the image it produces.

  6. Hi!


    I would like to sign up for a cinematography workshop in NY. Not one of those we-rip-your-money-and-give-you-a dvcam-to-practice-a little bit, but one that could maybe teach you thing or two about lighting or special equipment etc. Or maybe even give you some material for your reel.


    The web is full of cources but it's hard to know what's quality and what's not. Could you old beards (or young) help me with this?


    Jarkko Virtanen

  7. Hi!


    I would like to sign up for a cinematography workshop in NY. Not one of those we-rip-your-money-and-give-you-a dvcam-to-practice-a little bit, but one that could maybe teach you thing or two about lighting or special equipment etc. Or maybe even give you some material for your reel.


    The web is full of cources but it's hard to know what's quality and what's not. Could you old beards (or young) help me with this?


    Jarkko Virtanen

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