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Jonathan Wright

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Posts posted by Jonathan Wright

  1. Hi Greg,


    Firstly, I've loved reading this thread, it's been great to get the inside info on the business and hear so many experiences and how to deal with them. My main question os simply on how you got started in the business. I have looked at your IMDB page etc, but there is only so much that can tell you. As I am in the infancy of my career and still struggling to get regular work it would be great to hear from someone who has been there and has made it to where you are.



  2. I had an interview for a similar thing in Scotland this year, through Scottish Screen. Some of the main things they asked were about the various roles within the camera dept and what they entailed, so I would make sure you read up on this and make sure you understand who does what in each role. Also what experiences you have had on shoots so far and what duties/responsibilities you have had. They were a lot more interested in the technical understanding and roles themselves, rather than your favourite films/cinematography, which caught me out a wee bit!!!


    Anyway, just thought i'd pitch in and offer a wee bit of info from someone who's been there.


    Hope it's of some use.


    Good Luck

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