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Sam DiGiovanni

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Posts posted by Sam DiGiovanni

  1. Sam, if you want to be an AC for a career (or even advance to DP level), save your money on school and read THESE books:















    Then just jump in and start working (the books will help you learn how). Schools are focused on developing Writers and Directors, not ACs.


    Check in regularly to http://www.realfilmcareer.com for the most up-to-date information about where production IS happening so that you know where to go to find work.



    Thank you for the links. I have read both camera assistant books, they're great resources. I never thought to learn more about script supervising, makes sense. Thanks again.

  2. Where'd you get your hands on a Scarlet?


    When I first put this resume together all I knew about RED cameras was word of mouth so I wasn't sure If i was working with on the One or Scarlett at the time. I figured that one out pretty quick (duh). I had that on there as a temporary thing, just an oversight, thanks for spotting it.

  3. Hello All,


    I began my college career as a cinematography major. Once I wandered my way into the advanced cameras dept. I never looked back. Now, in the third year (of a 5 year plan), I have dropped the cinematography concentration and am a general film/video major. I find myself wandering around these forums or reading camera manuals trying to absorb as much as possible, instead of doing homework. School has ever really been my bag, and as far as what I can still learn as an A.C. I feel can only come from more hands on experience. The only reason I see to stay in school is possible future networking opportunities, and ready access to odds and ends for my ditty. Is a degree something people really value in an A.C.? Would a job at say, a rental house be more beneficial? I dont expect to get paid work right out of the gate, but I'll work just to get my name out there. Is there some sort of craigslist that's more reliable and specified for A.C. work? Also, I've attached my resume. Any feedback on what else to include or how to improve it is infinitely appreciated.


    Thanks in advance for responses!


  4. I am a student in Chicago. A fellow student asked me to 1st for him on an upcoming shoot on a RED. I know very little about the RED One. I know my stuff when it comes to 35mm and 16 mm cameras, as well as hvx / hpx cameras, but the RED is still a mystery to me. Does anyone out there know any good resources for a first time RED AC or even just somewhere to get a pretty good idea for the S.O.P. on a RED? I cant seem to find anything that gives me a clear picture of what I'll be dealing with. Any pointers would be very helpful.

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