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peter roehsler

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Posts posted by peter roehsler

  1. "The new pocket camera however seems to have magically got everything exactly right. I suspect this is more by accident than design, but all the same. I'm REALLY excited by this camera, as I'm sure a lot of people are. It is really, really spot on! :)





    I will rid myself of my NEX 5ns and use this little cam for unobtrusive doc work. I just hope that Zacuto will bring out a nice little Z-finder in time for July. To be able to use S16 cine lenses in Arri B mount (and some 16mm Arri A mount lenses plus everything made for S35 & FF) besides a tiny MFT pancake lens will make this the most versatile small cinema tool - a true pocket camera.


  2. To bring in professional equipment under the eyes of customs officials is certainly some kind of sport. While there is not guarantee for success, I recommend to play everything by the book: find out if there are customs regulations for such gear, if you need shooting permits, if you need work permits and such. I am sure an Indian embassy in your home country could help to answer all these questions.

  3. "Actually the DVX100 and HVX200 were much cheaper than the Red One. Theres probably less in the way of cheaper digital cinema cameras now than there was back then."


    If you want to count DVX and HVX as digital cinema cameras, you may certainly have a point. OTOH these were costing about twice what a decent prosumer video camera with a non-avchd codec costs these days.

    "The sensor is first in line tho. It's somewhat like the filmstock in a camera. For instance, if you shoot with a monochrome sensor it's going to be a difficult affair putting the colour back in further down the chain."


    Ok - I do not want to sound like `beggars can't be choosers', but for low-budget indie productions the option of renting from Panavision, Arri etc never existed, whereas there are plenty of RED owner/operators out there, who will meet budget restrictions if they like your projects (I happen to be one of them ;-) - just like back in the days when we used AGFA stock, beause that's what we could afford. But that is only one side of RED. If mega-budget productions, where choice of cameras is not driven by cost, opt for RED, it certainly should be good enough for me. I do not worry which sensor has which look, as I would not be able to rent anything else anyway. I always hear people saying good things about Alexa colours, but it could very well be that these people spend somebody else's money when they rent.


    For me owning a RED camera means the freedom to start shooting anything, anytime - it's like owning you own studio.

  4. I have been a RED user for 5 years, I never had a problem with the camera which could not be solved within minutes. Maybe I am just lucky.

    People liked to bash RED because of it's workflow. They neither understood the advantage of shooting (albeit visually lossless compressed) RAW nor the advantage of shooting 4K. 5 years later everbody is `inventing' 4K as the next best thing + codecs galore. Had it not been for RED, digital cinema cameras would still cost in excess of 150k and HD would suffice for TV work, thus keeping 35mm alive as the `quality' medium for the big screen. ARRI has been very successful in trying to catch up - whether their new 4K or 6K cam will be a match for RED remains to be seen ...
    ps: `color' does not come from the sensor only, there are DPs, gaffers, lenses, filters, lights (and gels) and colorists along the way to a finished product.
  5. Has anyone had experience obtaining a business visa in India? I'm shooting a feature there this summer and would like to know how difficult this is to get.

    You may want to combine your visa application with an application for a film permit. Once this goes through, your visa should not be a problem. Give it lots of time, as everything has to be checked in New Delhi, the embassy/consulate will just forward such requests. It won´t be wrong to get the cultural attachée interested in your project though.

  6. Hi Peter,


    So you have tested Zeiss CP2's with PL mount on a 7D using that adapter and it worked, correct?



    No, I am afraid, but quite a few other lenses and they worked fine. Why don´t you contact the ebay seller with a specific question?

  7. Many websites call the Panasonic Lumix GH2 the best video DSLR around. If you can live with the smaller sensor (focal lengths don´t mimic S35 as Canon´s APS-C sensors do), you will save quite a bit of money and get a more compact setup, including a DSLR-like `prism finder´ with a decent monitor, works esp. well in in bright sunlight.

    Or you could buy a SONY NEX 5N (APS size sensor) together with an extra electronic finder (one of the best around) and have the most compact setup. Downside: no external microphone port on the camera, so sound will have to be taken with a separate device

  8. Canon could be a good start if you have the money. If you don´t, consider Sony NEX 5N - about the same sensor size but cheaper and many more lens options with adapters. You will not want to get stuck with photo lenses forever, think used ARRI lenses (for 35mm film use). Avoid zoom lenses, get yourself an adapter (100-200 USD on Ebay) and a moderate wide angle and a portrait tele (like Schneider lenses, about 300-400 each on Ebay) and start telling your stories with fixed lenses.

    good luck!

  9. Hi Jenna,


    Electronic cigarettes don´t look realistic at all. We have tried them, but even for a wide shot it showed that they were a fake. If you are concerned about health issues on the set, get herbal replacement cigarettes from a pharmacy or drug store. If nobody minds you smoking in your shots, use real cigarettes.


    best of luck


  10. Somebody updated the mount on a rackover mitchell?


    When the Blimp News Camera got a reflex mirror and became the Blimp News Camera Reflex, some of the original Baltars reached too far back into the the camera body. The solution was a lens redesign, partly as retro-focus constructions, to clear the lenses off the mirror. This was the start of the Super Baltar lenses.



    Ikonoskop has just sent me their newly developed transfer/transcode tool, which is quick (speed compares to FCP log&transfer for R3D or AVCHD) and will do the job on the road. For CC you still want to use a different tool though.

  12. Steve, I went with c-mount though I don´t own any c-mount lenses. I use adapters for ARRI a-mount (Cooke Kinetals & Speed Panchros) and PL (the rest). Camera handles great, don´t know about 60fps, supposedly coming at a later time. Transfer is USB, not too fast. Transcode to ProRes takes ages on a notebook (1sec=1min in AE), but that´s uncompressed RAW, so just transfers when on the road. Everything is still evolving, a transcode software from Ikonoskop is in development. Support from Ikonoskop is outstanding - Peter Gustafsson called me back immediately after my email-cry for help with a minor problem.

    I will get an Epic for sure, but that´s a different beast for different styles ...

  13. I think it´s an ergonomic nightmare, but you got probably a different shooting style.




    I fully agree with your shooting style remark. I never liked cameras, where I had to `stand behind´ the lens and even on my RED I keep my EVF as close as possible to the the optical axis.

  14. I got my a-cam dII this morning, fired it up and held it to my eye. Never, after I had gotten an Aaton in 1980, was I more convinced of a camera design than now. I do own a RED, getting an Epic this year, but this little gem puts a lot of fun into personal shooting again. i don´t know much about gain, image noise and color depth and stuff, but what matters a lot for me is that the camera just `feels´ right. It is an extension of the eye and lets nothing come in the way between you and the subject. This camera will bring about a new intimate shooting style.



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