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Michael Higgins

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Posts posted by Michael Higgins

  1. I love the Redlake and have used it successfully numerous of times over the years. 

    1) The camera will not work without film. It needs to be loaded. You can test at a very low frame rate and it shouldn't damage anything if you're concerned. Also, it has to be 2-perf film. 

    2) My power switch is a big switch on the power cable. 

    I have a manual somewhere if you need it. 

    Also I had to build my own battery pack and I can get you details if you wish. I haven't actually used it in a couple years so I'ld beed to dig it out. 

    Let me know if you need any help.


  2. Hi,

    I'm currently restoring an old DeVry Portable 35mm projector, very similar to this model http://filmprojectors.eu/images/PortableMovieProjectorDeVRYPORTABLEC90.jpg


    However there are some very old electrical components and I'm struggling to figure what exactly a specific piece is. See attached.


    There are two of these in the projector. One of them intercepts the bulb, the other one, the motor.
    The skinny pole at one end can be pulled up and down causing the disc to slide making contact on each little square. I have a feeling one might control the brightness of the bulb and the other one the speed of the motor (framerate). Any ideas?!


    Thanks in advance,





  3. Hi,

    I recently picked up a 35mm hand-crank 'prism shutter (8sided) and I'm hoping to construct a simple 35mm camera. I generally work with destroying celluloid images, hand processing, vintage tech so I suppose for me any image is a good image. I'm not looking for complete perfection just some nice effects.


    The shutter



    I've recently looked into the 'prism shutter' and have discovered its use mainly in high speed cameras.



    I'm wondering if anyone could possibly elaborate on the technicalities involved in the workings of such technology along with any additional parts that maybe required. It's very difficult to find any such info.




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