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Sam Care

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Everything posted by Sam Care

  1. Hello, Does anyone know anything about the cinematography course at The Film and Television Academy in The Netherlands? What formats they mostly work on, Digital, 16mm, 35mm? How much practical work versus theory? Also does anyone work in the camera or lighting department in the Dutch film or TV industry? Are there many opportunities for young Dp's starting out? It's a small industry, but is it healthy? Thanks in advance. Sam Care.
  2. Hey, Well you could use Vision 500T 7279, and push it two stop with a 2/3 stop overexposure (1,200 ISO). This force processing will give you a grainy, high contrast, saturated look. I think that this would give you a gritty look with available light. For the sunrise shots, you could try leaving the 85B filter off, to give it a colder look which could work well. I hope this is useful. Regards Sam :ph34r:
  3. Hi, I have a couple of questions. Firstly when shooting a TV playing video footage, how do I syncronise it with the camera. I am shooting a TV used in the UK, with a S16 Arri SR2. I heard that Arri hire out a sync box (might be called PSU?), does anyone know about this? Is it just the frame rate that I have to sync up or is it the shutter angle too, because I don't think the SR2 has a manually adjustable shutter angle? Secondly, I was reading an article in which Harris Savides said that the contrast of the film changes when shooting at a higher f-stop. So does that mean that if you shoot at a lower f-stop you get more contrast or is it less and how much of a change actaully occurs? I guess that this, and the change in depth of field, is why some DPs like to shoot a whole scene at a consistant f-stop. Cheers Sam
  4. Hi, I am currently deciding which film stock to shoot my graduation film with. I want a subtle desaturation and increase in contrast of the images as the film progresses and the main character loses his mind. I intend to achieve this desaturation in the grade. However I am trying to get as close to the look as possible in terms of colour and contrast on the neg. The majority of the film will be shot at exterior daytime locations. I need a film stock which will allow me to shoot sunrises, bright sunlight, cloudy diffused light, smoky conditions, high contrast light in a dense forest, dusk and even possibly magic hour. I also have some interior day scenes to shoot which may have mixed lighting. I am considering many stocks. The 7245, 7246, 7205 in terms of daylight stocks. The 7217 (with 85 filter) which I am using for some night interior scenes, so I would consider shooting the whole film on this for practicality. And finally I have two rolls of 7246 which has been discontinued here in the UK. I would consider using this for some scenes if it feels like the right stock. I would appreciate any advice you can offer me. Thank you. Sam Care
  5. Hi, I love Matthew Libatique's photography in Tigerland. Especially towards the end of the film, when he starts to create that really high-contrast desaturated look, with blown out highlights. I was wondering whether anyone here, who has seen the film, knows which film stock or any in camera or processing techniques he used to achieve this beautiful work? Sam Care
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