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Rory MacMillan

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Posts posted by Rory MacMillan

  1. To all you students of revolution:

    I notice that most of you are students .It is interesting to note that i can probably safely say that over the past 35 years i have shot more super 8 film and sold the final products then all of you combined ever have or will in the future. But you all seem to know it all

    but cannot address the the basic request of Needles which was to shoot and edit a film with sound.

    Tim expresses interest but is concerned that i'm pitching products or services .Still his response is reasonable

    Jim thinks the ebay deal is pretty good which in my opinion is completely off for the reasons i stated but admits he doesn't really understand what Needles wants to do. He concludes that since its not made anymore you cant get it

    Needles now introduces a new concept that he wants to sync to video.If the film is in sync to begin with you wouldn't have the problem would you?

    Gareth introduces the mini disc but admits it will be difficult to sync sound and offers his expertise on frame rates (fps) of cameras

    Jacob goes on the offensive and accuses me of trying to sell stuff i cant get rid of and have hugmongus quantities of which is EXPIRED. He then suggests that sound film has not been sold in 15 years.Another brilliant statement with regard to post production of sync and telecine concludes his expertise.

    Gareth still cant understand that the system i have must be top secret and cannot comprehend that it is nothing more than shooting sound carts. He cannot comprhend that jacob is the problem not his suggestions because he is complicating a straightforward simple solution.

    If Needles wants to make a sound film why must he telecine be done. My goodness what did sound filmmakers do before telecine? Oh let us not forget to discuss geography that certainly will help needles aceive his goals

    david s c is concerned with my using caps and considers me sketchy, abraisive, doesnt know what i'm talking about and offers his expertise sound film= no telecine?




    Needles, if you are still there the choice is yours

    ive said my piece




    What is it with this guy? What a moron

  2. hi there,


    So after working on a 35mm music video (with my background mainly being working with digital) I had that 'I should get my own super8 camera to experiment with film' feeling, but then let it slide. Two years later and I finally get around to it. I purchased my own Canon 1014xls a couple of weeks ago and after a test on Ektachrome 64t everything seems to be in working order. I will be shooting on some v2 200t(day) and v3 500t (night) stock next week for a road trip down to London and some night shooting too when im down there. Before my purchase I read through about 20 pages of these forums along with a couple of weeks research on all the best super8 websites, but not being fully familiar with the camera or with this stock just yet, I was wondering if those of you with experience would be able to give me some hints and tips for shooting on the fly - whether to shoot on auto exposure for ease or to take your time with shots and shoot on manual; whether to use an external light meter as opposed to the one built-in; whether to shoot on infinity focus; whether to use an external 85 filter; whether I need to store the stock in a mini-fridge or just make sure I dont leave them in the sun; whether I have to take 100 AA batteries with me, or just 20. I found that upon reading through these forums people seemed to disagree with each other on a number of these points. I would be interested to hear what you have to say. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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