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Posts posted by camarotype

  1. Hello,


    I have acquired a Kinor that has been rebuilt to be 2-perf. It has worked on a feature film well in this capacity; however, It is now "out-of-phase".


    Can anyone recommend a repair technician in the US?






    Chris you should try Anatoly from Slow Motion Inc...they're in LA. Anatoly was the guy that created the kinoflex...i'm sure he can fix any problem on your kinor.

  2. I love the way people defend cameras, as if they had something to do with their legacy. When the reality is they are filming their dog on a Canon HV20 and sit on here dreaming.


    Listen Buddy. I've had plenty of experience shooting with a mitchell and its like a washing machine. Do I want to cart around a mitchell to shoot my film? NO. The konvas produces incredibly results and I DARE you to talk about Olex's incredible motors like that. You my friend need to have a good hard think before you trash Konvas.



    Sure Olex motors are good...i would trade my konvas for an old mitchell washing machine...gladly!


    here's a mitchell fries for 2000 pounds




    still think it's a washing machine? video assist is included on that too!!


    i'm don't hate konvas cameras i just think there's better stuff for the same money...sorry!

  3. wow! how dare people say mitchell cameras are a nightmare...best transport ever made...konvas is a nightmare not a mitchell...


    have you guys forgot about arri's? 35bl's are very very good cameras and they're pin register...there's some on ebay dirt cheap


    for the price of a konvas with all the bullshit you stated you can get your hands on a mitchell or an arri bl


    if you go for a mitchell look for a fries conversion 35r3 with a linx motor...mirror reflex some have a variable shutter, transport for 120fps dual pulldown pin register ...easy to find parts, easy to find 2perf conversions or 3 perf. pl, pv, nikon mount. absolute must for plate work. i can go on and on with a mitchell... i own two konvas...they good cameras but to compare to a mitchell they're a piece if poop.


    i also have a kinor...now that's a way better camera all around...but it's no arri or mitchell or moviecam...also pin register but only one side of the film get's pulldown and register...mirror is fixed at 180. better viewfinder than the konvas...sync camera...


    hollywood is junking all their good equipment and there's tons on ebay being sold for pennys...it will be stupid to spend money on a konvas when you can have something that used to cost 20x the price of a konvas...but now pretty much the same price...

  4. orange button is called de-clutch...nothing mechanical but that's one of the names for it...it basically de-activates the motors so you can move the transport back and forward...aside from that..


    which model do you have m77 or m85?


    when you turn on...does it go retard speed forward or 10x speed? like you just turned the nob all forward

    before that problem started did it used to jerk the film when running at sync speed? (when running in lock)

    does all 3 transports run full speed or just one? when you turn on without moving anything

    if you press the de-clutch does the motor stop?


    rarely the bi-phase optical encoder dies on the moviola motors...probably kollmorgen motors.


    there are several little things that go before the encoder on the motor goes bad...


    so i'll rule that out.


    let me know...after that we go to phase two of the tests...


    give me a call if you want 480-213-6808



  5. B&W cine film has no ramjet just different perfs. but i don't think it's an issue on the 2c. i've tested cameras with photo film and developed myself with no problems. get a 100'bulk load of tri-x and run it. probably cheaper to get a short end on ebay.

  6. Interesting! Perhaps it was simply a through the lens meter, like your K-3. I've never seen an illustration of one.

    Sort of thru the lens but the viewfinder actually i can post here the specs for it. but yeah i agree there no illustration at all. i do believe its for an older model perhaps the first ones. my kinor is a 1990 and it doesnt have the door on the left side for the video tap its on top together with the viewfinder.

  7. I have never seen a reference to a Kinor 35H light meter. Given the very basic manual operation of the camera I would be surprised that one was made for it. Also, the standard Lomos made for the 35H do not have aperture gears so I don't know how it would have operated.


    I have a set of Russian manuals too, but since I know no Russian I can't make heads or tails of them!


    i also bought the english manual from Rafael (RAFCAMERA) and they refer to a light meter that are two pieces basically the sensor goes where one of the first mirrors go and there's a module the goes on the option port on the right side of the camera that has several shooting settings obviously ISO settings for russian film and 2 shootings modes rehersal and main or something like it. but no pictures i'm sure if anybody has one it wouldn't work for todays films but i'm curious to see the functionality with the camera. i also own a k3 and the light meter actually works okay! also on the russian manuals they have the schematics for the light meter and it looks like a light meter construction but seeing the module and the sensor it's a completely different thing.

  8. Has anybody here seen a Kinor 35h Light meter? after reading the entire manual for the kinor including the russian ones there are no pictures of the optional light meter. If anybody has one or have a picture could you please post it here? i'm curious to see how it looks and how it is attached to the camera. :rolleyes:


    Just in case i have all the manuals for the kinor 35h in russian. it's 4 manuals in total 2 for the camera and electronics and 2 for the battery and chargers. if anybody need some info i can scan some pages and post it here. thank you all

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