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Nikolay Ivanov

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Posts posted by Nikolay Ivanov

  1. Hey Guys


    I am going to be shooting a short in the very near future with a set of Zeiss Compact Primes and the Panasonic AF100. One shot in the movie will require a split field diopter.


    I've used these before on my old Canon FD mount lenses, but they were threaded circle filters. Since the Compact Primes don't have a thread I have purchased the Oconner WM O-Box with 4 x 4 and 4 x 5.6 trays.


    The problem is, I can't seem to find any split field diopters to fit a square filter tray. I've done quite a bit of internet sleuthing and have found nothing but circle filters with threads.


    Am I crazy, or are these hard to come by?


    I even asked a Zeiss Rep. who didn't have an answer for me (I suppose he wouldn't know what other companies sell anyhow, but I thought I'd give it a shot.)


    I was going to call Tiffen or Schneider (I'm assuming both make them) but figured I'd post here first, hoping that I cannot only be reassured of their existence, but also, maybe for some tips?


    Any different than using them on those old FDs?


    Hi. I just registered to ask the same question i already asked on cinema5d.

    Does anyone know where i can buy a set of split-field diopter lens filter in the size for my 4x4 or 4x5.6 chrosziel mattebox. I'm very interested in purchasing but all i can find is round split diopters. On the commercial set our focuspuller has a set of old Russian LOMO split diopters made for 6x6 mattebox. But i can't find any unformation regarding this. 
    Can anyone help me find out anything, where to buy, who produces now?
    Beforehnd thankful, Nikolay.

    Hope anyone can share some information with us.

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