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Daniel Lynn

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Posts posted by Daniel Lynn

  1. Hi all,


    I just shot a music video on a digital camera that records no sound. I used insert slates to indicate the takes to the editor. I heard that he is having difficulty syncing the music to the images, to the artist's moving lips. How could I have helped him out more? While still being in MOS mode? How do you somehow sync the timecode of the music to the timecode of the camera? How do you indicate what point in the song this is? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. wire scrims dim a light overall without a color temp change. nets can dim a specific area without changing color temp. Diffusion will also do this (soft siders, etc). A black silk 18x24 will dim a light by 3-4 stops.


    There is always a way.


    But scrims/nets and diffusion are different things. Because the 'holes' in the nets/scrims are bigger than their thread/wire/mesh, they cut down on the intensity of the light without changing the quality (hard vs. soft). Within reason of course, if you cram a light with many scrims you might end up with a wire-like pattern. Diffusion, on the other hand, while reducing the intensity of the light, also changes it's quality, taking it from hard to soft or very soft, depending on the diffusion used.

  3. Both those films, indeed most films, especially big action films are lit to a high degree. The goal is to make the lighting invisible and make it look natural so the audience escapes into the story and doesn't notice the light (or set design, or makeup, or sfx, etc.) Those films look natural because they are lit with great skill and care by a master of his craft, Wally Pfister, ASC.

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