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Mark Sperry

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Status Updates posted by Mark Sperry

  1. So I showed a woman a cheap telephoto lens for Nikon. She looked at it, then said okay, but she wanted to see some new stuff so she might come back. I said sure. She comes back to me later asking for someone named Fernando, to which we had a bit of a back and forth because she didn't believe me when I said no one by that name works in this department. She described him as an Asian man named Fernando, who just showed her a Nikon telephoto lens. At that I replied, "Ma'am, that was me, I s...

  2. Who's in Park Slope or Gowanus? I'm going there now if somebody wants to play.

  3. Matthew A Penwell are you signing a lease today?!? I don't remember!

  4. I'm going to spend the day scowling at my logo. You suck. I made you, and you suck. I hate you like the grumpy cat hates everything. Ack!

  5. Somebody bring me a cheese burger and ALL THE FRENCH FRIES!

  6. "It's very Norse." Is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my tattoo.

  7. Trulia, Craigslist, Naked Apartments, or direct broker interaction? You will answer me now.

  8. Can anybody help me visualize how large an 850sq ft 2br would be? Peas and thank you.

  9. Got it. Brooklyn bound.

  10. Also giving away: Magnetic steel bars that you screw into the wall and use to hang unframed posters or prints. Kind of a DIY job but they look cool and make it easy to swap out art.A Canon 9500 Mark II pigment inkjet printer. Works fine, probably needs new inks. I printed on it in the last few months and there were no significant problems. I don't print from home so this is of no use to me. Seriously free, if you have the space come get it. I have a few inks I can give you and some g...


  12. An employee at B&H had his bike stolen right out in front of the employee entrance in broad daylight, surrounded by other people. If you steal, or have stolen a bike, you are a scum bag. Bikes are akin to pets. When my bike was stolen it felt like somebody killed my dog. I hate you, bike thieves. Please get testicular (or ovarian) cancer and die.

  13. I'm going to go to bed now. When I wake up, I have to go to work. This is the worst news ever. Basically nothing has changed for me since 6th grade.

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