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Kristjan Jaak Nuudi

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Posts posted by Kristjan Jaak Nuudi

  1. I made a post on the train clip vimeo page that answered the dynamic range question for this Kodak KAI-02150 CCD (slightly below 11 stops in ideal case scenario without white balance and at 0dB gain). I got attacked for it and it got deleted :rolleyes:


    Ikonoskop shouldn't have sold their first camera to this guy. IMHO he damages the project every single day with the attacks and the post deleting and clip removal. Those who have the privilege to use something new should present information and answer to questions. This is why I would never get the first camera of any camera model. Too much work! Imagine owning the first Red Scarlet 2/3" and being the only owner for a month or two. Instant celebrity status and paparazzi on your doorstep B)


    I got some hate mail that claimed this guy is actually working for Red or me. I'm pretty sure that's not the case but I understand how some people might be led to this conclusion. It makes sense.


    This market has a lot of drama. I don't get it. This niche is a very small market, a few dozens of cameras, a couple of hundred perhaps. Ikonoskop would barely cover development and support expenses if they took 100% of it. It can't be the money. It must be the enthusiasm.



    Hi Otis,


    I think If I brought something that does not mean I have to answer all of Your question, I did not made this camera I just brought it, You are attacking them, so I do not see the reason really to reply You more. It is what it is and I'm happy with it! very happy!

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