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Wouter Bakker

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Posts posted by Wouter Bakker

  1. I live in The Netherlands (also known as "Holland"). I would want to view the finished film on computer and I'm not familiar with film processing techniques... i hope this isn't a big problem. In the instruction manual it says "The camera was designed to use either single- or doubleperforated 16mm film." like you said, further i don't know how to find out if my camera takes singleperforated film



    My father is capeble of proccesing the film, now I guess i need some practice with a Digitel camera to not waste film and whenn í have the basiscs of filming ill try shooting with the Kodak. I just need to know what kind of film i need to buy.

  2. HI there, welcome to the board. Sometimes having your location can help in recommending resources.


    The Old Cine Kodak units are still popular with film students, and hobby users. They all will take a standard 100ft roll of Double perforated film, many will also take the more common (these days) single perforated film.


    Do you also have a projector, or would you be wanting to view the finished film on a computer or TV set?


    Are you familiar with Film processing techniques, so that we can explain the lab processes.


    So yes, Film and processing are still available, and in fact are rather mainstream. depending on your location there are two or three Film labs that are in the advertisments at the right of the screen that would love your processing business. The trick is to figure out what questions we can answer for you. The search function of this board will bring up a LOT of information.


    The answer if you want a quick film to show on your projector might be some Tri-x reversal film, or ekatachrome 100D - if you are more interested in aa video output, or live near Toronto, all the profesional COlour Negative films are fair game, (but first we have to figure out if your camera can take single perf film.)


    I live in The Netherlands (also known as "Holland"). I would want to view the finished film on computer and I'm not familiar with film processing techniques... i hope this isn't a big problem. In the instruction manual it says "The camera was designed to use either single- or doubleperforated 16mm film." like you said, further i don't know how to find out if my camera takes singleperforated film

  3. Hello all,


    Let me first introduce myself. My name is Wouter Bakker, I'm 17 years old and I'm photographer, if you want to know more about me and or my photography please send me a message and i'll be happy to reply.

    Now to the point.


    I recently got a Cine Kodak K100 Turret filmcamera. I have absolutely no knowledge about filmcamera's, only photocamera's, but I really want to try and shoot a film with this Kodak to experience shooting film with such an old camera and to see if it still is fully functional.

    What kind of film/reel/tape do i need for this Kodak and where can i buy it? Also where do they (still) procces this film for me?


    I hope some(one) can help me,




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